Another method we can apply to accomplish this task is to use the NET STATISTICS utility.
We just need to open the
Command Prompt and enter the following command:
net statistics workstation
The information displayed will tell us how long the system has been running, though in some cases this information is not exactly the same as the other methods.
This method can be considered as the best method, but we will have to do quite a bit of work. It not only displays the exact date or duration from the last reboot, but also displays important information indicating the reason the computer has to boot up and the time it restarts. We need to check Event ID 6005, an event that tells us when the computer starts, there are many other events.
1. Open the Server Manager tool by right-clicking the Computer icon and selecting Manage . Visit Event Viewer .
Also we can open Event Viewer by entering eventvwr.msc in the Run box, or running this tool in Administrative Tools .
2. Click Event Viewer (Local) in the left navigation panel.
3. In the middle pane, click on the Information event type then scroll down until you see Event ID 6005 . Double-click on this Event and we will see all information for the 6005 Event ID will be displayed. We can check this list, noting the date and time of each restart event, .