Bing Search displays the lyrics right from the search page

As soon as you enter the search song into the Search bar and press Enter, immediately, the lyrics will be displayed on the search page.

As soon as you enter the search song into the Search bar and press Enter, immediately, the lyrics will be displayed on the search page.

Recently, Microsoft has officially updated the display feature of the Bing Search lyrics right at the results of the search. Accordingly, as soon as you enter the song you want to search into the Search bar and press Enter, immediately, the lyrics will be displayed on the results page rather than going to the 3rd page.

Bing Search displays the lyrics right from the search page Picture 1Bing Search displays the lyrics right from the search page Picture 1

This is said to help users save time and use costs. Especially for mobile users who often have to use 3G data to access the Internet.

In addition, Microsoft also provides information, artist biographies, albums and related music in the included preview window. It is known that at the present time, there are about half a million songs applied by the company with this new feature and it is expected that the number of songs appearing on Bing Search will continue to increase in the near future.

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