AVEDEV function

AVEDEV function: The function returns the average absolute deviation of the data points from their midpoint. The AVEDEV function allows you to measure the variability of a dataset. Syntax: AVEDEV (number1, [number2], ...)

The following article introduces you to the AVEDEV function - one of the functions in the statistical function group is very popular in Excel.

AVEDEV function Picture 1AVEDEV function Picture 1

Description: The function returns the average absolute deviation of the data points from their midpoint. The AVEDEV function allows you to measure the variability of a dataset.

Syntax: AVEDEV (number1, [number2], .)


- number1, number2 . are the values ​​you want to calculate the average absolute deviation, where number1 is the required parameter, the remaining number values are optional. The function contains up to 255 number values .


- AVEDEV function is affected by the measurement unit of input data.

- The values ​​of the arguments must be either numbers or names or references that contain numeric values.

- When typing logical values ​​directly and displaying text numbers in functions, these values ​​will be calculated.

- Parameter values ​​or arrays that are logical values, text or blank cells are ignored.

- The function performs the calculation according to the equation of average deviation:

[frac {1} {n} sum {left | {x - overline x} right |}]

For example:

Calculate the average of the absolute deviation of values ​​in the following data table:

AVEDEV function Picture 2AVEDEV function Picture 2

- Where the number values ​​are located in nonadjacent locations -> enter the number values in the function separated by commas -> enter the formula: = AVEDEV (C6, C7, C8, C9, C10)

AVEDEV function Picture 3AVEDEV function Picture 3

- Where the number values ​​are located adjacent to each other -> enter the formula: = AVEDEV (C6: C10)

AVEDEV function Picture 4AVEDEV function Picture 4

- Press Enter -> average absolute deviation of number values in the data table is:

AVEDEV function Picture 5AVEDEV function Picture 5

- Where the number values are blank cells or text -> the function ignores those values:

AVEDEV function Picture 6AVEDEV function Picture 6

Above are instructions and specific examples when using the AVEDEV function in Excel.

Good luck!

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