Previously, OS X users could only remove the DigiNotar security certificate completely manually in the Keychain Access section - ( Artwork: Cnet)
You read download the update using the following links:
SSL digital certificate is a method to identify a server or user system completely automatically without an account or password. A certificate is created by a provider (Certificate Authority) and contained within a 'key' to encrypt or decrypt the connection from the user to another computer. Simply put, SSL certificate is a 'personal ticket' so that users can securely connect to a server.
For security and safety reasons, only a few vendors are reputable enough to issue SSL certificates and computer firms such as Apple will integrate all of these certificates into the operating system. their. Within the article, it is dangerous for Apple's operating system to automatically accept unconditional security certificates from DigiNotar. Due to their carelessness, the Dutch company granted ' mistakenly ' important deeds to major technology companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Mozilla to the hands of hackers.