Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter will join a large-scale shared data project

Data Transfer Project is a mobile open source initiative that provides accessibility and data exchange among many major online platforms.

Less than 1 year after its official launch, the Data Transfer Project shared data project has received great attention from big guys in the global technology world, with the initial participation of 4 names. Big: Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter. The project is currently "gearing up" to announce a plan to cooperate with a number of large technology corporations as well as launch a new series of more practical features.

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Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter will join a large-scale shared data project Picture 1Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter will join a large-scale shared data project Picture 1 Data Transfer Project launched in 2018 with the participation of Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter

Yesterday, July 30, Cupertino has officially announced that it will join Data Transfer Project, and will develop interactive systems to bring input and export data out of iCloud in a more flexible way. Not only Apple, a number of alternative social networking technologies have also participated in the project, including Solid (created by legendary computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee) to allow the import and export of contacts, and Mastodon. allow to import and export posts.

Acting as an open source project aimed at simplifying the process of transferring data from one service to another, Data Transfer Project mainly includes back-end encryption that is responsible for making tools Data export like Google Takeout and Facebook's Access Your Information access management tool can be better compatible.

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Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter will join a large-scale shared data project Picture 2Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter will join a large-scale shared data project Picture 2 Apple will be the latest name to join Data Transfer Project

From now on, such tools can allow you to download data directly to your hard drive, but hopefully in the future the project can also allow data to be transferred directly, seamlessly from translation. this service to another service - will be extremely handy. For example, this feature will be able to allow you to send all your personal Facebook photos to a Google Photos account without going through any intermediate steps, not only saving time but the ability to leak. Data is also significantly limited.

Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter - the world's largest data usage and management companies, all joined Data Transfer Project since last summer, and the GitHub home page of the project also gave Full upload of regular updates since last year. But developers still have a lot of work to do to make the project more perfect.

Until now, most of the big problems with Data Transfer Project only exist in the back-end array, we can hope to soon experience more great products from this project. . In a recent statement, Google popped up information on several new software products, promising better support for users, appearing in the next few months.

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Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter will join a large-scale shared data project Picture 3Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter will join a large-scale shared data project Picture 3 With Data Transfer Project, data transfer across multiple platforms will become simpler

Data Transfer Project (DTP) is a mobile open source initiative that provides accessibility and data exchange among many major online platforms. Basically, this project was founded by Google Data Liberation Front in 2017, with the ambition of establishing a platform that allows individuals to migrate data online between different platforms without having to Download and upload data multiple times.

Such an ecosystem can be achieved by extracting different files through available APIs, released by online platforms, then the code will be translated to be compatible with the platforms. another platform.

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Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter will join a large-scale shared data project Picture 4Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter will join a large-scale shared data project Picture 4 Data Transfer Project can allow individuals to move data online between multiple platforms without having to download and upload data multiple times.

Data Transfer Project is not only suitable for large service providers, but also important for small service providers when customers can now easily leave famous brands to Try a new service with attractive or free offers.

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