Toshiba will be the main supplier for Project Ara

Excerpt from Japan's biggest business newspaper, Toshiba will be the company chosen by Google to become a supplier of key components for smartphones in its Project Ara project.

Excerpt from Japan's biggest business newspaper, Toshiba will be the company chosen by Google to become a supplier of key components for smartphones in its Project Ara project.

Toshiba will be the main supplier for Project Ara Picture 1Toshiba will be the main supplier for Project Ara Picture 1

More specifically, the Japanese electronics company will provide three types of microprocessors to control the data flow and electrical signals between the module and the phone. Toshiba is also the only partner from 'the land of the sun' to provide components for the project.

The first parts will begin to be shipped this fall and go into mass production starting early next year.

About the Project Ara phone project , these will be devices that allow users to assemble multiple component components together to become a single operating unit. With such a range of 5 to 10 modules, users can customize their preferences including changing the camera module.

According to Nikkei , the lowest price announced for a smartphone in Project Ara is only $ 50.

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