9 simple ways to have a beautiful posture

Although many of us always try to have a beautiful posture, very few people set themselves up for this goal. Let's TipsMake.com learn 9 simple ways to have a nice posture!
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Although many of us always try to have a beautiful posture, very few people set themselves up for this goal. That's why we offer some great tips to make your back straight and beautiful. Beautiful posture expresses the vitality of people, making people feel the beauty of healthy, natural, relaxed, fully showing their dignity and qualifications. Let's TipsMake.com learn 9 simple ways to have a nice posture !

1. Exercise improve posture

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Sometimes you should also take the time to allow your body to perform posture improvement exercises. Try to spend 10 to 20 minutes of exercise each day. Don't be too stressed, otherwise you'll just make it worse. If you are an office worker, don't forget to start muscles in your back, neck and shoulders every day.

2. Arrange your workplace

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If you work long hours in front of a computer screen, think about arranging the workspace accordingly. The important thing here is to adjust the level of tables and chairs when sitting at work.

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3. Listen to the phone properly

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Most of us often bend down when using a smartphone or laptop without even noticing whether it's in sight or not. Try to hold the phone right in front of you and hold the laptop at the corner of the desk you are sitting on.

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4. Install some utility applications

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Currently, there are some great apps that will help you in your effort to keep your back straight. One of them is Nekoze - it uses a phone camera to monitor your posture and if you start bending down, a warning will pop up to let you know.

5. Breathe properly

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Breath is very important for body movements and senses. You will breathe more effectively by using diaphragm and a natural beauty position.

6. Monitor posture wherever you are

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You must always remember to keep your back straight - not only when working, but also when driving or sleeping. Do not arbitrarily choose sleeping pillows, blankets and lightweight mattresses.

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7. Sit with your back at 135 degrees

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Remember that when you sit at a proper angle, your back is less painful.

8. Practice yoga and practice the main muscles

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Yoga is a practice method that requires a combination of both mental and physical at the same time. Based on the principles of breath control and keeping the body in one position, mastering and controlling the body's flexibility, improving intellect, health and finding the true value of happiness. There are also other fitness programs, such as pilates or aerobics , that can also help you get a good posture.

9. Stand properly

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Try not to bend down too much and stand as straight as possible, you can put your back straight, your legs as wide as your shoulders, your hips pushing forward and shoulders a little behind. This is the optimal position for the spine to keep the whole body. Do not put your hands in the bag, because it makes you bend down. The upright posture will give people the impression of being healthy, young and strong.

Having fun!

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