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Posture is one of the factors that have a great influence on human height and health development. Correct posture not only gives you a sense of confidence but also ensures good health, making you healthier. However, due to work habits, many of us are handcuffed or hunchbacked, especially when sitting in front of a computer.

On the Bright Side page, you will be presented with 10 simple exercises to improve your posture at home, with just one chair being able to complete all these exercises. Invite you to consult!

Exercises to help your back straight

1. The "greeting" posture

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 1

First, place your hands behind your back and try to touch your palms together as shown above. It is important that you create a straight line from one arm to the other and the part of your shoulder must move close together. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

Maybe when you first start this exercise, you will feel uncomfortable and painful, your hands will not touch each other and do not form a straight line. But just persevere and practice gradually every day you will succeed.

2. Posture "hand lock"

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 2

Put one arm behind your back, lift your other arm and bring it behind your back, bend your elbow so that this hand is grasping with the other hand, forming a lock like the one shown. Pull up the elbow above. Hold for 5 seconds then change hands.

3. Twist yourself

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 3

Sitting in a chair, do not move the lower body, place your hands behind your head and rotate the upper body to the left to shoulder perpendicular to the back of the chair. Hold this position for 5 seconds then turn to the other side.

4. Bend people

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 4

Sit close to the chair and place your hands behind your head. Bend the spine and eyes looking at the ceiling. Slowly tilt your head back while still looking at the ceiling, until the head touches the back of the chair. Keep doing so until you feel tired or want to change to another position.

5. Stand up straight

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 5

Stand straight like in the picture. Make sure you feel your head, shoulders, buttocks, calves and feet touch the wall behind your back. Stretch your belly and take deep breaths many times.

6. Stand tilt

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 6

This exercise is a continuation of the previous exercise. While standing on the wall, spread your arms to the sides and slowly lean forward without kneeling. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

See also: 7 ways to self-check out a very simple health situation at home

How to keep the posture right

1. Keep your abdomen straight

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 7

This position keeps your back and abdominal muscles balanced. When keeping your abdomen straight, your back also automatically follows. In addition, you can use high waist pants or skirts to perform this pose.

2. Special posture

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 8

Sitting in a chair, place one foot under the chair as far as possible and pull the other foot backwards as shown in the picture. This will help you sit up straight and balance. You should sit in this position after exercising to rest and quickly regain strength.

3. Hang something behind your back

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 9

When sitting in front of a computer, hang something behind your back to pull it straight. Simply, a clothes hanger can also do this.

4. Wear something in front of your chest

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 10

When doing housework, wear a backpack in front. Your body will try to cope with the weight and pull your shoulders back to keep the balance. However, you should not wear a backpack too heavy because it can make you lose your back quickly.

Also, you should note:

10 simple exercises that help improve posture at home Picture 11
Your posture depends not only on muscles but also on tooth texture . These exercises may not be enough to eliminate shrimp hunchback. Pay attention to the tooth structure and consult your doctor to solve the problem from a professional perspective.

See also: 3 simple ways to curb anxiety with natural food

Having fun!