8 extremely effective toothache tips at home

If you have a toothache without having a dental visit, try one of the effective toothache tips below. The pain of a toothache will quickly be relieved, reducing your discomfort.

Here are some toothache remedies with effective home-based foods you can try:

Cure toothache from potatoes

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Live potatoes are washed, sliced ​​and crushed in a small slice with a pinch of salt and then placed on top of the painful tooth for about 15 minutes. The pain of your toothache will be greatly reduced. And if you need professional help, opt for dental relief with the dentist in TN.

Tips for pain relief from a lemon

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If you have a toothache, you can use lemon juice with a little warm water, suck it for about 2 minutes or apply lemon juice directly to the affected tooth. Lemon juice will masage for teeth and gums to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth's wounds, helping to relieve pain effectively.

You can also use lemon juice instead of lemon juice with similar results.

How to reduce toothache immediately with salt

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Salt is antiseptic so if you have toothache and pain, you can use salt water to suck, sharp pain will decrease significantly. Add a little salt to the warm water, suck and stir your mouth for about 30 seconds and then spit it out. Do it many times a day.

Ginger cure tooth decay effectively

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Slice the ginger into thin slices and place it in the place where the tooth is in pain, bite the water well and seep into the affected area. Ginger has antiseptic properties, reduces the symptoms of inflammation and swelling so it can also help treat tooth decay, reduce pain and reduce swelling.

Simple tips to cure cavities with garlic

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Garlic is antiseptic so it can reduce inflammation. If you have a toothache, crush the fresh garlic, add a little salt to mix it and place the garlic in the position of the painful tooth, reducing the discomfort.

Or you can add some water to the garlic and mix it with salt, then the girders for water in the garlic cloves produce more. Using this blended cotton and dabbing on the areas of painful teeth, doing it repeatedly many times you will see marked pain relief.

You can put garlic cloves in between the teeth that are in pain, then bite them tightly to let the garlic juice run out and evenly penetrate into the areas where the teeth also hurt.

Reduce toothache thanks to pepper and basil

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Basil can limit the growth of many bacteria while black pepper has anti-inflammatory effects. When you have a toothache, crush some leaves with some black pepper. Then, take the mixture and apply it to the area of ​​the affected tooth to quickly reduce the toothache.

Green tea juice cure toothache effectively

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Green tea has a high antibacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory properties and is capable of preventing or slowing the growth of tooth decay. Gargling with green tea several times a day can help heal gingivitis.

From instant toothache with betel leaves, guava leaves

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Pour 2, 3 betel leaves together with some salt seeds and mix with 1 cup of white wine. Decant the clear water to rinse twice. Each time is 5 minutes apart but absolutely not drinking can reduce aches and pains effectively.

In addition, cleaning guava leaves and chewing also helps reduce toothache symptoms.


These top-notch toothache tips are effective but can only help you alleviate a temporary toothache. To say goodbye forever with obsession from deep teeth, you should go to the dental center to be examined and treated promptly.

To prevent pain and tooth decay, we need to pay attention to hygiene, daily dental care, especially proper brushing.

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