Recognize the symptoms of wisdom teeth for better coping
Wisdom teeth, also called the number 8 teeth, are the last teeth to grow on the jaw, usually growing at the time of employers from 18-25 years old or later. Wisdom teeth often develop uneven and irregular rules. The sooner the tooth grows, the more pain will increase. The sooner the tooth grows, the more pain will increase, according to this reputable dentist in west seattle wa.
When wisdom is ingested, patients often encounter symptoms such as aches, swelling, . However, wisdom teething symptoms if not noticed will be easy to confuse with other symptoms of dental disease. Please refer to the article below to better understand this situation.
1. The normal expression does not need to be extracted
Recognize the symptoms of wisdom teeth for better coping Picture 1
- Hurt
The most recognizable sign, indicating the "appearance" of wisdom teeth, is the pain around the gums where the wisdom teeth appear. If the wisdom teeth grow too badly, it will affect the adjacent teeth, which we can easily feel.
The period of wisdom teeth can last for several years, so the pain caused by the wisdom teeth grows longer and more and more repeatedly. The more teeth develop, the more pronounced the pain.
- Benefit
This is a very visible symptom in people with wisdom teeth because the time of teething is quite late, about 18-25 years old (or maybe 30-40). This is the age when almost the human body as well as the jaw bone is firm, not growing in size, soft tissue (gums) is thicker and firmer so when the teeth grow, the gums will expand, inflate and you will easily see the swollen condition with the naked eye.
Swollen gums cause pain and entanglement when chewing. This condition only ends when the teeth are stable.
- A mild fever
Not only do you experience a fever due to teething in children, but adults can also have a fever when their teeth are growing. At this time, our bodies have some changes, in particular, our body temperature is increased, hotter than usual due to teething and swelling, which makes us feel tired.
These factors make you feel like you have a fever. The fever is usually not too severe and will end when the teeth are fully developed.
2. Unusual expressions need to be examined immediately
Recognize the symptoms of wisdom teeth for better coping Picture 2
Wisdom teething is a very normal manifestation of the body, but we should not be subjective and despise them. When there are abnormalities below, it is best to go to the doctor immediately to avoid unexpected consequences.
When wisdom erupts, the pain persists, becoming more intense and there is no sign of remission. Because usually when wisdom teeth grow, each pain lasts only a few days to a week is the maximum, if the pain lasts more than 1 week, then you need to check immediately.
There are 2 main causes of this abnormal phenomenon: Wisdom teeth are stuck in jaw bone or wisdom teeth are erupted into adjacent teeth.
With these unusual symptoms of wisdom teeth is extremely dangerous. It puts pressure on the weak jaw and damages the adjacent teeth. And if you leave it untreated for a long time, it can degenerate into a cyst or cause the whole tooth to be hard to recover.
3. Notes on wisdom teeth
Recognize the symptoms of wisdom teeth for better coping Picture 3
- When you find wisdom teeth symptoms, you need to pay more attention to oral hygiene and daily diet.Use dental floss or combination of saline to limit possible inflammation.
- Eat soft, easy to swallow foods like porridge or vegetables cooked.Stay away from spicy, hot, sour foods or foods that may increase swelling like sticky rice, chicken .
- If the pain makes you uncomfortable, apply some home-based pain relief methods such as hot salt water, ice cold, clove oil .
- In addition, you can use antibiotics, relieve pain, reduce fever to reduce discomfort.However, you should talk to your doctor about the teething condition and then take the medicine, not take any medication on your own.
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