7 habits every Monday morning of successful people

Have you ever wondered what successful people do every Monday morning? Success is not created by chance but by hard work to achieve specific goals.

Have you ever wondered what successful people do every Monday morning? Success is not created by chance but by hard work to achieve specific goals. Monday morning's habit will govern the feelings of both that day and the next days of the week. Here are some Monday morning routines of successful people.

1. Wake up early - set the alarm at 5am

Successful people wake up early to make sure they have enough time to complete all their work. They wake up early to make sure they are not delayed for any event, plan and have enough time to take care of themselves before starting work.

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, wife of US President Barack Obama - Mrs. Obama Obama shared that she used to wake up early to take care of herself before a day's work began.

"In the past, I thought, if I had to get up early to work, I would wake up early and do that. If I had to get up early to take care of the children, I would wake up early and do so. But when everything comes to myself I suddenly realized, "I can't wake up at 4:30". And I have to change that. "

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We only allocate too much time each day, getting up late will hinder everyone's chances of success.

2. They meditate - starting with only 5 minutes

Meditating and praying on Monday morning is an effective tool to help you succeed. It is important to be calm and awake all the energy in your body as soon as you wake up. You can start meditating for 5 minutes and gradually increase to half an hour each time.

Practicing many times will help you find answers to difficult questions and lead you to success.

Oprah Winfey meditates twice a day for 20 minutes each time. She shared that when she entered the state of meditation she felt full of hope, contentment, and really enjoy. Although there are many problems in the lives of many sides, she still retains the stillness in her soul. Only a space to meditate can create motivation to help you have a good job and a good life.

When meditating, you concentrate in quiet and listen to the beating of your heart. There are lots of video tutorials posted on YouTube that you can download for free.

3. Continuous efforts - your own development is the key

Successful people are always the first motivation in every Monday morning. They read books about self-development, watch inspirational videos, listen to motivational speeches. A 15 minute Monday morning inspiration can help you have a day, even an effective work week.

A few books you can refer to:

  1. Infinite Self (Stuart Wilde)
  2. The Power Of Now (Eckhart Tolle)
  3. Awaken The Giant Within (Anthony Robbins)
  4. Manifesting Change (Mike Dooley)
  5. The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
  6. You Are A Badass (Jen Sincero)
  7. The Secret (Rhonda Byrne)

4. Refuel your body - food is the energy source

Your body must be supplemented with nutritious foods before morning work begins. Healthy foods that provide energy, wake your mind, your body is ready for a new day. According to Business Insider, billionaire Richard Branson eats a plate of fruit salad and milk cereal every morning.

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Some suggestions for a healthy breakfast:

  1. 1 egg, 2 egg whites, orange juice and a few slices of bread
  2. Protein smoothie / shake
  3. Fruits and yogurt
  4. Peanut butter, banana, bread
  5. Quinoa quinoa seeds and fruits
  6. A few slices of apples with peanut butter

5. Practice right at home

Successful people always understand that physical training is extremely important on Monday mornings and throughout the week.

Exercise helps the body to be full of vitality and increase metabolism, so we will become active, supple, ready for a new day.

Exercise not only brings a healthy body, but it also helps the mind to become sensitive. President Barack Obama shared with WebMD that "My remaining time will be more effective if you give me time to practice ".

If you don't have a gym card or don't have any training equipment, don't worry. All you need is a space for exercise to release excess fat. With the right exercise, you only need 20 minutes of practice each morning.
Advanced exercises such as burpee (a cardio-type exercise to reduce body fat), squat jumping, jumping in front and symmetry jumping have a maximum impact on many parts of the body during the same time period.

Here are some suggestions for 20 minutes of exercise (30 seconds break between exercises)

  1. Episode 10 times burpee exercise
  2. 10 pieces against push
  3. 10 times Squat
  4. 10 pushes of double beams
  5. 10 symmetrical jumps
  6. 10 times anti-push with extended hands

6. Connect directly with friends and colleagues

Some companies exchange, discuss via email or other types of technology while successful people meet their friends and colleagues directly to chat and exchange jobs.

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Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs once spent Monday morning for meetings and inspirations, believing that in the digital age today, when we think we can work via email, skype or live chat The thing is really important is the contact, face-to-face meeting to solve the work, motivate them and through what you see about their expressions, you will know what they are thinking.

7. Focus only on important emails

Most of us check the mailbox on Monday morning. Successful people care only about really important emails.

Browse through a long list of email addresses that take you a lot of time in the morning. David Karp, the founder of social network Tumblr, said he had a hard time leaving so many piled up emails that he missed many important messages or forgot to reply to messages. He arranged and screened his email and since then, the work became more convenient. Now, his mailbox only receives emails from his colleagues and his girlfriend.

You can sort your mailboxes like David Karp did and install some email management applications like: Boxer, Dispatch or Hop.

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