12 habits of successful people early in the morning to the office
The period before officially sitting at the desk had a huge impact on our productivity in the next 8 hours. Therefore, it is very important to build good habits every day to do as soon as you arrive at the office.
According to Lynn Taylor, a national environmental researcher and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyran, "There is a good start every day when you control yourself best. essential to help you achieve good results at work and success in your career The way you start your morning will often shape your mood and attitude throughout the day. Good habits, you will not become "prey" of feeling tired, depressed and ineffective for the whole day or the whole week after that ".
Here are good habits that successful people usually do before officially sitting on you to work every day. You can consult, learn and build for yourself the best daily activities to stimulate the spirit and increase work efficiency.
1. Go to the office on time
This is obvious to many people but many people do not realize that arriving late is not only a bad impression for managers and colleagues, but can make their work day become useless. same bad.
2. Deep breathing
"Indeed," said Michael Kerr, international business speaker, author and president of Humor at Work, "doing something to stimulate concentration right now" is very important. .
Many people come to the company in a very uncomfortable situation because they do not have enough time to stay at home to handle "everyday tasks". This puts them in a stressful state and it is impossible to keep the mood comfortable when it comes to the office.
Therefore, an effective way here is to slow down, feel that moment by breathing deeply and making a daily routine of focusing on yourself instead of being dominated by other troubles. .
3. Seeing yourself
Before each working day, take the time to think about this. For example, you can ask yourself: "What have I done this week? How far is my plan progressing? What will I have to accomplish today and what results should be achieved? ? "
4. Create a comfortable working environment
Successful people spend a minute before work to adjust the seat height accordingly and ensure necessary tools such as a keyboard, phone, computer mouse, documents, papers . located in a convenient location. convenient.
5. Do not check email at the beginning of the office
For many people, email, social networking and online newspapers can create distractions and waste a lot of time, especially in the morning. Besides, not all emails are equally important and you can completely classify their urgency to handle.
If there are emails to resolve immediately at the beginning of the day, prioritize them and leave all other emails at other appropriate times of the day. In addition, it is best not to get into electronic newspapers because you may be attracted to sensational articles, comedy videos or other noise information.
6. Advocate
Successful people always try to move the blood circulation before sitting at their desks. Getting up or walking for a few minutes will make you feel completely in control of your body, just as the speaker affirmed his position in front of an audience.
7. Say "no"
Saying "no" is also a very good habit that you need to pay attention to. At the beginning of the morning at the office is a very important time for you to stimulate your concentration and form a good mood for the period of time after which you are fully focused on your work. Therefore, say "no" to things that make you deviate from this process, unless it's necessary.
You can't have enough time to please everyone, always remember that.
8. Spend time greeting people
Greeting people is also a great way to create real connections with people around you, change your mood and create a sense of excitement with the work. In addition, proactive contact with colleagues is also a way to spread the spirit of work and receive positive energy for each other very effectively.
9. Quick consultation with colleagues
Quick meetings in minutes (about 5-10 minutes) with team members are also an effective way to start the day. For example, people can stand in exchange, sharing their day's goals or important information that the team needs to know.
This habit will help people stay focused, increase connectivity, and publicizing your goals will also help you get more motivated to complete it.
10. Laugh
Many successful people have the habit of starting the morning with a smile, be it from a funny story they read or a habit they create to make themselves laugh every morning. Good morning with a smile is an extremely simple way to get the spirit up for the new day.
Studies have shown that "laugh muscles" will help create optimistic spirits. You don't need to laugh all the way, just a fresh face is enough.
11. Express gratitude
Another great way to start the day is to find something you can be thankful for, whether it's personal or work. This works to boost your morale and prevent you from forgetting small things in life.
12. Thinking about helping others
Helping others will make you less stressed and satisfied with your work, said Arthur C. Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute. When working for you, an unexpected result always makes you feel depressed and disappointed. But when helping others, whatever the outcome, its goodwill always brings good value.
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