6G speeds can be up to 1TB / s, 8,000 times higher than 5G

According to the researchers, the speed of 6G can be up to 1TB / s, an incredible number, 8000 times higher than the current 5G network.

While countries around the world are just beginning to explore 5G, China has begun to develop the next generation of wireless networks, possibly 6G.

Specifically, dozens of researchers and experts from China's Ministry of Science and Technology have recently begun work on the development of the next wireless network. According to the researchers, the speed of 6G can reach 1TB / s, an "amazing" number, 8000 times higher than the current 5G network.

6G speeds can be up to 1TB / s, 8,000 times higher than 5G Picture 16G speeds can be up to 1TB / s, 8,000 times higher than 5G Picture 1
6G network speed can reach 1TB / s, about 8,000 times that of 5G.

As expected, it will take many years for the 6G network to be deployed, maybe in 2030. This is understandable because the 5G network has been developing since 2008, and after about 10 years of development, it is still available today. in the early stages.

The new 6G commercial network is beginning to be developed, so its high-speed application is unclear. However, according to the researchers, while 5G is expected to go along with IoT - Internet of Things, Internet of Things, 6G is expected to once again open a new era of connectivity and revolution. chemistry of human relationships with technology.

For daily Internet use, 6G will allow users to download over 142 hours of high quality video every second, about 40 to 50 movies with 4K content.

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