Please download 150,000 copies of precious painting art stored in 14 famous museums in France

Paris Musées - an organization currently managing more than 14 museums in Paris, has just created 150,000 digital copies of extremely precious works of art from the collections they hold.

As part of the Open Content-sharing initiative, Paris Musées, an organization currently managing more than 14 museums in Paris, has just created 150,000 digital copies of extremely precious works of art. prices from the collections they hold, and especially all of these photos will be shared publicly. In other words, you can use these photos for many different purposes and, importantly, the photos are completely free. Typically, artworks stored in museums are strictly protected by copyright, and any acts of use without the consent of the owner of the property are punished according to regulations.

These are valuable works of art that are hundreds of years old, and even have masterpieces created by prominent names in the history of human art such as Rembrandt, Van Dyck, as well as many legendary artists. other.

Please download 150,000 copies of precious painting art stored in 14 famous museums in France Picture 1Please download 150,000 copies of precious painting art stored in 14 famous museums in France Picture 1

'The launch of Open Content will mark a new stage in Paris Musées digitalization policy. This project will contribute to strengthening and improving the way the art works reach the public in many different ways, and at the same time, raise the awareness and arouse people's interest in art. '

You can freely access and use these 150,000 photos. There will be no technical, legal or financial restrictions, whether or not images are used for commercial purposes.

Not stopping there, you can also filter works by author, genre, creation time and even color.

Currently, Paris Musées only upload high-definition images of works without previous rights restrictions. For copyrighted works, the image quality will be slightly reduced, but basically still very good.

In addition to the launch of a digital replica collection of 150,000 pieces of art, Paris Musées also plans to host a series of virtual exhibitions in an effort to attract more public attention to Open. Nội dung. Paris Musées hopes this initiative will help teachers, students and art researchers easily find a useful reference channel.

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