6 secret techniques that help you get enough sleep in just a few hours

On average, each of us usually spends 28.3 years sleeping, about a third of our life and that time is not small. So how many hours should we sleep every day?
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Sleep is essential to help the body recover from a day of work and study. If you don't get enough sleep, your body will be very tired and, if prolonged, your body's biological mechanism will be disturbed. On average, each of us usually spends 28.3 years sleeping, about a third of our life and that time is not small. So how many hours should we sleep every day? The answer depends on many different factors, but we usually sleep about 7-9 hours a day. The majority of sleep time is at night and a small part at noon.

Modern life today makes any of us want to extend the 24-hour period a few more hours so that we can have more sleep time.The more busy the work is, the shorter the sleep becomes.But do you know, there are even people who only sleep 2 hours a day but still maintain good health?How did they do that?This may sound difficult, but that's when you don't know these secret techniques.Here are 6 secret techniques to help you get enough sleep in just a few hours if you know how to arrange a reasonable time to work and rest .Invite you to consult!

1. Sleep in the style of "Our ancestors" - 6 hours / day

6 secret techniques that help you get enough sleep in just a few hours Picture 16 secret techniques that help you get enough sleep in just a few hours Picture 1 © depositphotos

Sleep formula : 4 hours ( first stage ) + 2 hours ( second phase ) = 6 hours

Our ancestral sleep is divided into two separate stages: the first stage lasts 4 hours and the second stage lasts 2 hours. These two stages are separated by a period of alertness. This period is considered a special time and is used for spiritual practice, relaxation and reading. If you want to try sleeping many stages but don't know where to start, this is the method that scientists recommend. For most people, it may be the most comfortable option and can add 30 minutes to adapt.

2. Sleep in 'Dymaxion' style - 2 hours / day

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Sleep formula : 4 naps lasting 30 minutes after every 6 hours = 2 hours

Buckminster Fuller - a famous American architect, scholar and inventor - created a sleeping technique called ' Dymaxion ', consisting of 4 naps that lasted about 30 minutes every 6 hours. He himself applied this schedule very effectively and stated that he never felt lack of energy. After 2 years of this sleep schedule, Buckminster Fuller was examined by doctors and confirmed he had a good health.

3. Sleep in the style of 'Superhuman' - 2 hours / day

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Sleep formula : 6 naps lasting 20 minutes after every 4 hours = 2 hours

For years, ' Superhuman ' is considered an effective and convenient sleep schedule. Still sleeping for 2 hours a day, but instead of 30 minutes, each of your sleeps will last 20 minutes and a total of 6 such naps every 4 hours. However, this is very difficult to do because you cannot break the schedule and skip even a period of sleep, otherwise you will feel sleepy and extremely tired. This schedule was created by Leonardo da Vinci and Salvador Dali . Dali placed a metal tray near his bed, where he sat with a spoon in his hand. When the spoon falls, the artist will wake up from the clang. The intermediate state between sleep and alertness gives him new ideas.

4. Sleeping in 'Siesta' style - 6.5 hours / day

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Sleeping formula : 5 hours at night + 1.5 hours during the day = 6.5 hours

The late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill is a famous man who successfully applied this sleep. In this way, Winston Churchill often went to bed at 3 am and woke up at 8 o'clock, then slept about an hour in the afternoon. " You have to sleep in the middle of the afternoon and in the evening, not to miss the sleep halfway. Take off your clothes and go to sleep, that's what I always do. You spend time sleeping during the day, however, the results may be even better! ", Winston Churchill said.

5. Sleep like 'Tesla' - 2 hours 20 minutes / day

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Sleep formula : 2 hours at night + 20 minutes during the day = 2 hours 20 minutes

Inventor, physicist genius Nikola Tesla only sleeps 2 or 3 hours a day: 2 hours in the evening and about 20 minutes during the day. However, Nikola Tesla can still work effectively all night. Later, people took his name to set this sleeping method.

6. Sleep 'Everyman' style - 2.5 hours / day

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Sleep formula : 2.5 hours at night + 3 times of 20 minutes during the day

Scientists have done a lot of sleep studies of children, the elderly and animals, and concluded that ' Everyman ' style sleep schedules are most flexible and adaptable. For example, elephants, they make a sleep schedule of 2 hours a day: 1 hour at night and then 3 or 4 naps about 15 minutes during the day. These naps should also be an equal amount of time. This schedule is considered to be most flexible and adaptable. Besides, naps do not cause any harm to health.

However, these sleeping patterns are for reference only and they are very difficult to apply to normal people , because if you sleep a little, you will be very tired the next day. It is best to consult your doctor if you need to change your sleep time for your work.

Below is a reasonable time to go to bed to get up easily every morning:

If you are not ready to perform difficult tests with your sleep and still want to wake up easily, you can accurately calculate your ideal body wake time in the table below:

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See also: Scientific proof: Siesta helps you to be happier and smarter

Having fun!

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