20 actions to help you become 'marshal' in her eyes immediately
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The concept of a gentleman, or " marshal ", has changed a lot over time, but in general it is like a ' knight ' appearing in a dangerous situation the day before. Although the concepts of knights and standards are outdated, some actions and behaviors from that time still show the meaning and purpose.
The core of ancient and elegant gentlemen today is quite similar: protecting weak people, showing benevolence, telling truth and politeness to others, especially women . So what is the attitude of a gentleman in modern times? Let us refer to 20 actions to help you become "marshal" in her eyes immediately !
20 actions to help you become 'marshal' in her eyes immediately Picture 1
1. Always open the door for her
An elegant gentleman is always the one who opens the door for the weak to enter first. Although it is only a small act, it will help you become a caring man; She will feel comfortable because she is always cared for and protected.
2. On time
A gentleman always shows the difference when he says he will come to the meeting place and not let anyone wait. Is it rude to be late and waste someone else's time? This is not only a minimal polite but also shows that you are a respected person of time.
3. Always protect her in crowded places
When walking on the sidewalk, you always go close to the curb and protect your woman from any potential dangers. This is what a gentleman must do.
20 actions to help you become 'marshal' in her eyes immediately Picture 2
4. Ready to give her coat to her
If your woman feels cold without a jacket, be prepared to give her " warmth " to help her feel more comfortable.
5. Pull out the chair and invite her to sit
A gentleman will pull the chair to help their woman and help her move the seat closer to the table.
6. Be a polite person
Only a small thing like saying " Please " and " Thank you " to others also shows how to behave politely and respect everyone. It is an essential thing and does not cost you money but can get the attention of others.
20 actions to help you become 'marshal' in her eyes immediately Picture 3
7. Yield your seat
If you move on a bus, subway or park and see a woman without a seat, give way to her. A gentleman will give, even small things like his comfort to make others feel happier.
8. Ready to hold his hand
When you and the person go out on a date, you are ready to take her hand. It is romantic and the woman loves hand in hand with the person she loves.
9. Courtesy on the dining table
Be sophisticated on the dining table, this has great significance and shows that you are not rude and impolite. If you're eating in a restaurant, be polite. It's like putting a towel on your lap while eating, it's delicate and luxurious.
20 actions to help you become 'marshal' in her eyes immediately Picture 4
10. No rude to others
Even if the way of serving there is terrible, you should control yourself and behave politely. That does not affect you personally, just cleverly repressing your feelings, showing that basic sympathy and respect for others is.
See also: 25 things women say often make men misunderstand
11. Receive payment invoice
A gentleman will receive a bill and in any case should receive the payment, should not expect others to respond.
12. Dedication
When someone is talking to you, you should listen attentively. Do not use your phone or watch TV. Look at the speaker and listen to what they say to you. My sincere compliment for women like " You look great " is an appropriate word in most cases and it will make your woman smile immediately.
20 actions to help you become 'marshal' in her eyes immediately Picture 5
13. Keep the promise
If a gentleman says he will go somewhere or do something, he will definitely do it. That is very simple. Do what you say you will do.
14. Keep secret
If a gentleman is enough to make others believe and disclose confidential information, they should not be disclosed to others. Don't blame anyone.
15. Do not disclose personal things
Nobody wants to know what your important person looks like when they're not wearing clothes, how great it is to wear a robe or weird things that they like. Keep it to yourself.
20 actions to help you become 'marshal' in her eyes immediately Picture 6
16. Do not hit women
The role of a gentleman is to protect women even when having to trade their own lives. A gentleman never hurts a woman. The only exception is if a woman is doing something extremely bad. In addition, men should never move their hands and feet on the woman in anger .
17. Patience
When at the restaurant, a gentleman will wait until everyone is fully served before starting to eat. That shows patience and politeness.
18. Honest
A gentleman always tells the truth even if it hurts him. A person who always holds the honor of telling the truth is always a reliable gentleman
20 actions to help you become 'marshal' in her eyes immediately Picture 7
19. Always complete your work
A gentleman knows what to do with the tasks and how to do it. They can repair a car, a broken leg brace, change a baby's diaper or cook dinner. Gentlemen all know how to get things done.
20. Protection of people who cannot defend
The core is gentlemen - a warrior willing to jump into a dangerous path to protect innocent people. Bravery, courage and fear are signs of a " knight ". He stood up to fight for oppressed people, protecting women and children; risk your life to save others' lives.
See also: 10 differences between "men" and "boys"
Having fun!
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