5 mistakes that young leaders often make

Young leaders often lack experience and have not accumulated enough necessary qualities. They easily make mistakes such as taking themselves as a center, not listening or dealing with reckless situations.

Leadership is not just about getting a C-level position (such as CEO, CFO or COO), having a private office or having the right to make decisions. Good leaders always know that success or failure depends on their ability to inspire and guide their team members. While this is the reality, corporate culture in some typical corporations considers outstanding features such as "integrity" or "cooperation" as top core values. However, in the present time, will they still play such an important role?

According to a recent study carried out by the Center for Creative Leadership, nearly 40% of new executives who "have a good job" have completely failed in the first 18 months to take over. and even, many of them did not meet the expectations that their employers set. Roxi Hewertson - CEO of Highland Consulting Group and AskRoxi.com shared that this failure rate stems from mistakes in the recruitment process and leadership support.

"Organizations did not set up a suitable support process for new leaders or did not clarify expectations about the conduct and actions related to this position," Hewertson - the author of the book. " Lead Like It Matters . Because It Does " (McGraw-Hill, 2014) said. "Mostly, the way they are assigned responsibility also reflects whether they will succeed or fail. The system has basically been broken in organizations and this has caused many talents to fail. shining".

5 mistakes that young leaders often make Picture 15 mistakes that young leaders often make Picture 1

Here are the 5 main reasons why "new-generation" leaders cannot fulfill their tasks. If you want to have the opportunity to advance further, you need to change quickly.

1. Too confident or lack of confidence

Most employees - regardless of where they are, even leaders - know what they like about the boss. Many people are confident that they are willing to accept the "boss" challenge despite the fact that it is not easy to complete the task when in that position.

"Easy to say, hard to do. We all know what a good or good leader looks like and will become. However, once in that role, we often forget what we know. and show yourself that it is important to make others feel uncomfortable or not sure whether or not you will work effectively as expected ".

2. Approaching leadership roles with false expectations

Being a member of a certain team is one thing, being a Leader of that Team is another. Young leaders are often not really ready for the realities faced in group management, so they often easily ignore issues when things become more serious or reckless reactions.

"It is rare for leaders to understand what they are really dealing with. Many of them are not what they expect or are hungry for or able to control , " Hewertson said. .

3. No suitable skills

5 mistakes that young leaders often make Picture 25 mistakes that young leaders often make Picture 2

To become a "master" of leadership, you need to accumulate a lot of expertise and experience. We are forced to learn how to lead, at the same time, to understand the skills and motivation needed by a different Leader with a normal employee. Everything is not only for you. You only become successful when everyone in the organization succeeds. However, the reality is that not many young leaders are aware of that.

Instead of focusing too much on work, you should enlist the support of everyone to be successful in leadership.

4. Ignore building relationships

The main leadership is creating relationships - developing trust, team and optimizing interpersonal skills. Leader will have to pay a high price if he does not pay attention to this process, because, ignoring is synonymous with failure.

5. Do not listen

Many leaders think they have to or need to act as if they know all the answers - they don't need suggestions and neither should they show that they don't know.

Listening is not the strength of young and rare leaders who hastily interrupt others instead of concentrating on listening to what the staff is saying.

In his book, Hewertson also described four sets of skills that leaders must conquer, including: personal (self-awareness), interpersonal, team (working and broadcasting). team development) and culture / system (organization assessment). Personal is the skill that Leader needs to focus first in order to avoid mistakes in leadership.

"If you don't first realize your strengths and weaknesses, it's hard to control individual behavior, recognize other people's behavior, or manage your relationships effectively. It is important to understand the purpose, value, vision, what is within your ability or beyond your ability, then use that awareness to train and accumulate the necessary skills if you want. become an excellent leader ".

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