5 habits unknowingly cause throat cancer to visit you soon
Throat cancer is a very dangerous disease, is on the rise in Vietnam, this disease progresses quite quickly and it can lead to death if the patient is subjective to the signs of the disease.
Besides the cause of a family history of people suffering from diseases, there are seemingly harmless habits such as drinking, smoking, eating sour things . are the main reasons for this cancer to silently visit. visit you sooner.
Let's review the daily routine that can make you befriended with the disease.
- Recognize early signs of throat cancer for prompt treatment
1. Smoking cigarettes
5 habits unknowingly cause throat cancer to visit you soon Picture 1
Smoking not only harms the lungs, kidneys, liver and stomach, but also makes you quickly get closer to throat cancer.
Many studies show that in cigarette smoke contains hundreds of toxic chemicals for the human body such as nicotine, benzene, hidrocarbon, nitrite . these substances create toxins harmful to cells, through That increases the risk of cancer for many people.
When we smoke, these substances fly out of the air, we inadvertently inhale the lungs, gradually causing these toxins to destroy lung function that cannot protect the respiratory tract, causing inflammation of the mucosa, and turn epithelial cell changes, eventually leading to respiratory cancer, including throat cancer.
2. "Love" by mouth
5 habits unknowingly cause throat cancer to visit you soon Picture 2
Oral sex, also called Oral sex, is a posture that many couples choose because it brings a sense of excitement and novelty in sex life.
However, this way of love is "ineffectiveness" that has a lot of potential for this thrilling throat cancer. Besides, you can be infected with HIV virus from the enemy.
HPV virus is a dangerous virus, especially HPV 16, found in all cancers.
When this virus enters the body through sexual intercourse, they will "root" in the oral cavity, and cause disease. If the disease cannot be cured, the complications of the disease will lead to the risk of oral cavity cancer and throat cancer.
3. Drink too much alcohol and beer
5 habits unknowingly cause throat cancer to visit you soon Picture 3
Do you believe that these alcoholic drinks are the main reason for 1/3 of throat cancer cases!
Why? Because these beverages enter the body, under the action of alcohol dehydrogenase, alcohol oxidizes to acetaldehyde - a carcinogen, causing DNA damage.
People who regularly drink alcohol will increase acetaldehyde in saliva, damaging DNA in the cells of the oral, throat, esophageal and upper respiratory tract. This makes the risk of throat cancer increase. This increases the risk of throat cancer. So avoid alcohol if you don't want to get sick.
4. Eat fermented foods
5 habits unknowingly cause throat cancer to visit you soon Picture 4
Fermented foods such as melon, coffee, kimchi . are used very much in daily meals, because it gives us an appetite when eating. But these fermented foods, if left too long, pose a high risk of disease, especially stomach and throat cancer.
These foods, if left for a long time, are too dizzy or too acidic, they will easily degrade and produce toxins harmful to the body. So, to prevent disease, we should limit the consumption of these foods.
5. Eat too much prepared red meat
5 habits unknowingly cause throat cancer to visit you soon Picture 5
Red meats help provide the body with a good source of energy and protein, but red meats are high in salt or prepared - most contain lots of nitrate or nitrite salts.
When we absorb it in large quantities, these substances increase the risk of cancer, especially throat cancer.
In addition, people who are often in the habit of processing high-temperature foods, especially meat, will make this food a chemical called heterocyclic amine (HCAs), which is also potentially dangerous. Muscle causes throat cancer.
You should read it
- Recognize early signs of throat cancer for prompt treatment
- 7 symptoms of early cancer are often neglected by 90% of people
- Having phlegm in the throat is what disease? How to treat phlegm in the throat?
- It turns out that we have been indifferent to using cancer-causing substances in our daily lives
- 5 false taboos when caring for people with cancer
- DNA vaccine with immunotherapy can treat HPV
- 8 signs of cervical cancer identification in women
- Shocking experiment about damage to the lungs and throat when you smoke a pack of cigarettes
- Top 8 effective cancer prevention foods
- The top 5 foods to eat are at higher risk of cancer
- Secrets of protecting the larynx for teachers when always having to talk a lot
- Did you know: Smoking a pack every day produces 150 mutations in the lungs
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