5 disadvantages of Xbox Game Pass to keep in mind
Xbox Game Pass is one of the best gaming subscriptions you can get today. It gives you access to several popular games, especially Microsoft titles, for an affordable flat monthly price. Plus, you can try and explore games that you wouldn't normally buy outright because they're included in your subscription.
But nothing is perfect, so you should also consider these disadvantages before signing up for Game Pass.
1. You pay monthly, whether you play a Game Pass title or not
Most AAA titles cost between $60 and $70, meaning you could buy about 3.5 AAA games for what you pay Microsoft for 2 years. While over $250 for 2 years may sound cheap, it's not an efficient use of money if you don't play the game regularly.
For this reason, you still have to pay for your PC Game Pass subscription, but you never know when you'll be in the mood to play your favorite Game Pass games again.
2. Your favorite game can disappear at any time
5 disadvantages of Xbox Game Pass to keep in mind Picture 1
While most Microsoft titles will likely remain on Xbox Game Pass, there are some games that will be removed. For example, one of the beloved titles, They Are Billions, came with a PC Game Pass subscription in 2022. However, when trying to play it again in 2024, it was no longer included in Xbox Game Pass . This is similar to when a PS Plus game is discontinued, so this drawback is not unique to Xbox.
If you want to continue a saved game, you must purchase the game directly from the Xbox store. Even though the game only costs $10.49, which is pretty good for such a great title, it's annoying to have to spend extra money just to play the game again.
But what's worse is when a title is no longer available online - for example, if it's been removed from Steam, Xbox, and other online platforms. You will be left with a game that is no longer playable, even if it is installed on your PC.
3. You don't own your game
5 disadvantages of Xbox Game Pass to keep in mind Picture 2
In the past, when you bought a game disc, you could say you owned the game. This is still partly true with Steam, because even if you don't own the physical media, you can still access the game on your Steam library even if the studio that created it disappears.
However, gaming subscriptions like Xbox Game Pass only allow users to borrow games from its library. This is similar to when you borrow a book from a traditional library: You can read the book but you can't give it to someone else. And when the library requests a return of the book (i.e. Xbox Game Pass stops offering that title in its digital library), it will be automatically returned.
This is one of the reasons why a gaming subscription won't replace owning your own games, and why many people still buy titles on Steam despite having an Xbox PC Game Pass subscription.
4. You will have to wait a little longer for the patch
Patches for games after launch are now a regular occurrence, meaning that sometimes a game will need to be updated to be able to enjoy its latest version.
However, some Xbox Game Pass titles may take longer to update, especially those from smaller studios. That's because Microsoft has a certification process for every piece of software that goes through it, and it can take some time. Some studios will release updates on Steam and other platforms without waiting for their updates to go through Microsoft's system.
This means some titles will take time to update if you install it via Xbox Game Pass (or even buy it via Microsoft or the Xbox Store).
5. You may miss out on some great games
5 disadvantages of Xbox Game Pass to keep in mind Picture 3
If you're subscribed to Xbox Game Pass, you're less likely to consider other gaming platforms because you want to get the most out of your monthly payment. This means you may miss out on titles launching on Steam or Epic Games because you don't want to spend more than your monthly payment.
While these are some of the limitations of Xbox Game Pass, it doesn't mean you shouldn't subscribe if you can afford it. You get a lot of value out of a Microsoft game subscription, especially when compared to buying a AAA game outright.
However, these disadvantages should be kept in mind when registering. That way, you can avoid surprises with any new titles you discover. Furthermore, don't limit yourself to what Microsoft has to offer. There's a bigger world of games out there, and you can find great titles on Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, and even Epic Games.
You should read it
- What is Xbox Game Pass?
- Among Us will support Xbox in 2021, coming with a new map of Airship
- Microsoft's game revenue increased by 8% thanks to Xbox One and Game Pass
- How to turn off (or enable) Xbox Game Bar on Windows 10
- Fix Xbox One game console not working
- 5 ways to customize Xbox Game Bar on Windows PC
- How to change the keyboard shortcut to open Game Bar Windows 10
- How to use Xbox Game DVR to record screen in Windows 10
- How to Connect Two TVs to an Xbox
- How to Play Minecraft Multiplayer on Xbox 360
- Fix error code 0x80242022 when installing Xbox games on Windows
- How to fix error code 13 on Xbox
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