25 signs that you have succeeded without your knowledge

Success does not necessarily lie in the value of the house, the car or the items you bought. It has even more wonderful things than that.

All of us will also go through a period that makes us feel there is nothing good in life. No matter what happens, it is easy to criticize yourself about everything: from working power to resolving family matters and it is these negative thoughts that make success difficult to reach. .

The negative way of thinking plus the ambiguity in the goal makes it easier for each person to think that he or she is a "loser", even if there are many "evidence" around you that you have succeeded. , both in private and work life. If you are too busy with worries like that, you will not have time to appreciate the achievements you have achieved.

No matter how bad your life is, you may have become a successful person without even realizing it. Here are 25 affirmative signs for that.

1. You are not dominated by money

Many people live for money, they see money as the most important motivation to work and ready to defy all to improve their monthly income.

However, this is completely wrong thinking. Money is important but not the most important.

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If you can come to the office every day without being dominated by income until the end of the month, you have done a great thing. Because, you have complete control over your money, not letting it affect your ability to focus on your work and do your best for your goals.

Maybe you don't have enough money to buy a Rolex watch, but that doesn't prove you are a failure.

2. You don't try to be praised only

Receiving compliments from the people I love and colleagues are what everyone wants. The most obvious is that at a young age, if someone is praised for achieving a high score, most of us, we have the motivation to study harder and get more praise.

However, trying only to please others blindly is "double-edged" that kills your dream.

So, if you are a self-control person, you can control yourself, work, devote yourself to a high ideal, not to satisfy the high expectations of your parents and those around you. psychologically and mentally stable and successful without your knowledge.

3. You have less crisis

Let's look back a year ago: are you looking for a noisy life? Do you feel more calm both at work and in life? Do you find yourself happier, more optimistic? If the answer is "yes" to all then you have achieved a great success.

4. You have a plan

Success is nurtured by a clear goal, specific plan and determination to follow. If you always know how to build a wise action strategy, you have done something that many others can't do.

5. You always crave

Successful people really rarely take a break after achieving something. Because, they have a very long vision, constantly learning and always striving to create more value for society.

If you're a discoverer, dissatisfied with your initial success and finding ways to maximize your abilities, you're great. The ambition and desire to learn will be the foundation to help you reach the highest glory.

6. You get up early

There is a saying that "early bird catches the worm" - success will come to those who grasp the opportunity first.

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Successful people don't "sleep". They are all very early birds to raise their first song of the day while other animals are still sleeping.

If you are also one of those birds: ready to rush out of bed even in cold weather, exercise, meditation, reading useful news, planning . the success of You have built good morning habits.

7. You actively connect with others

Modern life makes it easy to get caught up in the way of life that depends too much on electronic devices, technology, chat applications, messaging, social networks . but are very shy when meeting face to face. . We justify our dependence with busyness and distance.

If you are a person who likes to meet, chat directly, easily integrate with many different circumstances and always create networks with positive people, success is in your hands.

8. You value others

Success is reflected in our experiences in life, including overcoming difficulties and stress.

If you understand the value of treating others with respect, you have trained one of the most important aspects of success.

9. You always help others

Success does not lie in how much your car costs or how big your house is. Success is when you share what you have for those who are more difficult and keep that ideal.

10. You have motivation

Anyone who doesn't know how to motivate himself, has no enthusiasm and will to overcome difficult times, they will be very difficult to succeed.

Therefore, if you are always motivated and use it as a lever to conquer challenges in your life, it is one of the greatest gifts you are lucky to own.

11. You are confident but not complacent

The difference between a truly successful person and a person who believes he or she succeeds is how they control themselves. If you always know how to be humble, confident in your abilities but also willing to receive suggestions and inspire others, you will sooner or later shine.

12. You are not defeated

If you fail, fall into the same path and almost lose everything, but you can still stand up without collapsing, you are a very strong person and have great will.

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Be proud of that is the great success you have achieved.

13. You improve yourself constantly

Many people who fall into "trap belief" are that they believe that they are "creating everything". They believe that they are factors that bring the company to success, control others or create some value for society. They "snatch" all these achievements and sit on the "throne" while not knowing that many people are "standing on their heads".

Successful people are people who constantly improve themselves, develop themselves both in life and work.

14. You have discipline

Discipline is one of the good qualities that Benjamin Franklin attempts to train. Discipline will be the foundation for you to achieve success and if you have built such a lifestyle, there is no reason to think that you are a failure.

15. You are patient

Patience is one of the characteristic qualities of successful people in the world. Without patience also means that you are very vulnerable to your surroundings and deflected.

16. You know how to refuse

Saying "no" seems easy but not everyone can do it. Therefore, the person who says "no" when necessary to give priority to more important jobs is the winner.

17. You manage time effectively

Effective time management is a sign of long-term success and almost all the rich in the world are skilled at this skill.

18. You have successful friends

Having a circle of successful people is the huge source of motivation you have. Living in such an environment, you will have great faith, enthusiasm, will and help to achieve what you need.

19. You live responsibly

Many people tend to blame others when they fail. In addition, they are very passive and only want to be safe in their "comfort zone".

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However, as a responsible person, you are willing to admit mistakes, repair, live in the initiative and dare to risk to make a breakthrough.

20. You don't waste time

Time is a very valuable asset "one goes never back". If you understand this and consider every new day as the last day of your life to try harder and enjoy more then you are very happy.

21. You are assertive

You understand that saying "yes" or "no" is not enough. Convincing your reasoning is essential to understanding that you are an individual with independent desires and thoughts. This does not mean you are a person who is afraid to change, but it proves you are assertive.

22. You live actively

Negative or skeptical is a thought that makes you very easily defeated and doesn't help you get anything good.

So live positive and faithful to your goals. That is the factor that helps you succeed in the future.

23. You take care of your health

Abandoning bad habits that destroy health is a great achievement that you should feel proud of yourself. Not many people have the same energy and will as you.

24. You are sincere

You are not looking for a relationship just to satisfy your individual needs. You are loyal, faithful and truly love them. That is the most respectable thing.

25. You grow up

In every conflict, you are not the one who defies everything to win over yourself. You understand, controversy only "adds oil to the fire".

You are not a person who has impulsive, aggressive thoughts, makes decisions indiscriminately and acts unwise. You carefully calculate each step, be consistent with the strategy set and follow the plan but also very flexible when the environment changes.

You value real values ​​and not follow mediocre things. You recognize good things from small things and share your benefits with others.

That is the true success.

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