6 tips to work effectively from talented CEOs
Everyone knows that leading a company is not an easy job. Whether operating a small business or an international company, CEOs must manage time and resources and fulfill a range of other requirements while constantly searching for time and space to consider strategies to promote the organization's business.
This means they have to develop sophisticated systems and lots of other "techniques" to maximize their productivity.
Here are 6 effective working tips that have been proven by today's top CEOs that you can refer to.
1. Take a break every 90 minutes
Tony Schwartz, president of the Energy Project, said that a few minutes of recess should be spent every 90 minutes to maximize your performance. What is the reason? The human body is like an energy machine that operates 90 minutes throughout the day. When we do something for over an hour and a half, a natural thing happens is that the level of alertness will go down and the concentration will leave you or we will feel sleepy. This is absolutely true when it comes to constantly surfing social networks.
A pretty counterintuitive secret to maintaining a great level of performance is to live like a sprinter. Applying this means working with the highest concentration in the morning, no more than 90 minutes each time, then setting aside a break.
So the next time your eyes start to be dull, instead of drinking a coffee, walk outside for a few minutes. Maybe, you will be surprised by the unexpected positive effects that this habit brings.
2. Create uninterrupted time periods
There is nothing more annoying than that at times when you need to finish work quickly on a large project, it is interrupted by a colleague or boss approaching your desk. One study showed that it took up to 25 minutes to return to the work route after each interruption.
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This is the reason why Andrew Marsh - CEO of Fifth Column Games develops a system to help everyone in his company can work without interruption. By placing a "quiet hat" on the desk, other employees will understand that the person they intend to reach is currently unable to talk and they have a more important job to deal with.
Andrew Marsh said: "I use a quiet hat when I am working on a complex project that requires concentration. Can concentrate highly without interruption as a tool to increase productivity value. for everyone at the Fifth Column Games ".
So when you need to focus on stressful tasks, use a system or a sign to inform this to your co-workers. From there, lead them to form the habit of sending email if those are non-urgent tasks instead of going to your desk.
3. Manage energy resources, not only with your time
You understand that it is important to use your time fund wisely, but it is even more effective when you also manage energy. CEO of The Muse magazine, Kathryn Minshew, who is very fond of optimizing her working day by performing the tasks of greatest concentration during her most effective hours. This "golden" time is when her energy reaches the highest level. Left, meetings or meetings less important, she will switch to another hour.
I find it extremely useful to be able to focus all my attention on the times of the day I work best (under what conditions, under what conditions) and only spend that time on work. .
If you are the morning person, do the important things first, save the little, little thinking after your energy is weakening. If you are not sure when you work best, try tracking your work week to find out the rule.
4. Don't become the "slave" of email
The founder of ThinkUp, Gina Trapani has a favorite habit of checking email only at certain times of the day. Why? Instead of feeling you have to respond to emails after a few minutes appear in your inbox, you can save time and focus on setting up an effective email test and reply plan. For example, once in the morning and once at the end of the day.
Close Outlook, turn off email notifications on BlackBerry, and anything else that might hurt you.
However, this method depends on the job position, it is not appropriate if your boss or colleagues often want to get feedback quickly. But you may be surprised that many people support this effective work strategy.
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Tim Ferriss, author of " The Four Hour Work Week", says that you should send an email to your colleagues to tell them about your email check schedule, explaining the reasons behind it. increase work efficiency and ask them to call you directly in an emergency. You can also set up an automatic answering mechanism with messages that you will always check your mail and how to reach you in an emergency.
5. Keep emails short and polite
CEOs don't have time to read novels or write them. Andrew Torba, co-founder of Kuhcoon, said that he even occasionally wrote one-word emails and suggested that it should be kept short, concise, like Twitter's 140-word limit.
Challenge yourself to think seriously and effectively when connecting via email or any other form of communication.
By between short and focused emails, you not only save time writing them, but also save your career time in reading it. If you find writing a short email too complicated, plan for a short call (5-10 minutes) effectively instead of an email up to 4 pages.
6. Handover, assign and assign jobs
Assigning work to others is not meant to avoid work. However, in case of overload when you feel that there is too much work to be done, job delivery is one of the best ways to manage your time. Share the project for the other members of the team and focus on what you do best.
Entrepreneur Daniel Tan Kh said that not only the task, truly believing that they are new owners will make them fully responsible for accomplishing them. Job entrustment is the most important fuel of a performance machine.
If you can't find the right person, look for outside help like a freelancer or outsource service.
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