11-year-old boy invented a device to detect abandoned children in the car
After watching the heartbreaking news about a 6-month-old girl who died when forgotten in a sunny car, 11-year-old Bishop Curry in the United States decided to dynamically solve the problem. This tournament and similar bad news do not appear again.
The boy sketched out a device that was mounted on the seat, able to sense the appearance of the person in the car. When the child is found to be forgotten in the car, the device will send warning messages to the parents or the police, and blow cool air to 'buy time'.
Bishop Curry named his device Oasis.
11-year-old boy invented a device to detect abandoned children in the car Picture 1
The initiative of Bishop Curry can save many lives. The boy's father, a working employee for Toyota, said he was extremely proud of his son.
Bishop Curry and his father were invited by Toyota to attend the Child Injury Prevention Conference. The idea of Bishop Curry was supported by many people.
Many vehicle manufacturers contacted Father Curry with the desire to install this system on their vehicles. However, Curry's family needed to test and perfect Oasis before being able to commercialize it, so they didn't make a decision yet.
11-year-old boy invented a device to detect abandoned children in the car Picture 2
For a long time, neglecting children has become a problem in America. From 1994 to 2017, 804 children died in cars for high temperature-related reasons. In which, 55% of parents admitted that they did not notice that they were in the car.
Curry's father hoped that Oasis would be able to prevent it from happening any more compassionate cases.
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