The best way for kids to stop using the phone

In the situation where there are more and more children falling into depression, sadness, unhappiness, but partly because of using too many phones, parents should review themselves. before I criticized the children first.
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In the age of technology development today, home, people use the phone. From old people to young children. There's no denying the significant benefits these phones bring. But then, it is the dangerous and unpredictable consequences, especially when children use the phone too much, it makes children more likely to be depressed, sad, mentally affected.

The best way for kids to stop using the phone Picture 1The best way for kids to stop using the phone Picture 1

According to psychologist Ross Greene, most parents often use traditional coercive methods to require children to follow, follow what they command, but in fact this action is completely not useful and can't change bad behaviors from children, sometimes it can make the situation worse.

"If you think you can take full control of your child's behavior, I would say you are delusional," Greene said. "Being interested will always work much better than trying to control someone."

The best way for kids to stop using the phone Picture 2The best way for kids to stop using the phone Picture 2

A problem that most parents are facing the most today is, how to reduce the situation that their children keep their noses on the phone screen all the time.

According to expert psychology that, parents want their children to stop using the phone, the first thing you should set a limit to use the phone from the beginning with the children. Because now, many parents let their children use the phone too indiscriminately.

In addition, parents should avoid using the phone in front of their children, or take out the phone to coax children to play or eat. Instead, parents need to strictly enforce rules when they use these devices from scratch, letting them know how they will be using these devices.

The best way for kids to stop using the phone Picture 3The best way for kids to stop using the phone Picture 3

In addition to making rules, parents should take the time to spend time with their children on this issue to produce results that both of them are happy and happy with. Prioritize children to open their words first, so they can feel they are not constrained or forced at all.

"There are children who spend too much time on electronic devices, just because they don't have friends, they don't know how to make friends, the more they don't feel they are loved or there is nothing else to do," he said. Greene shared. And so these devices become friends of the children.

The best way for kids to stop using the phone Picture 4The best way for kids to stop using the phone Picture 4

If parents and children don't sit down and talk together, you can't understand what the big problem is with your child. As for parents who often use strict forced measures with their children, the consequences are often worse than "wanting to be good for the children" as they often say.

"Sometimes we need to put a lot of effort into finding ways to solve the problems that are hindering and harming our children," Greene added.

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