10 things in the house that you cannot arbitrarily throw away even if they are expired

Even if the 10 things in this article have expired, you should not throw them away arbitrarily because they will have a big impact on your life if thrown away haphazardly.

When something in your home is no longer usable, you often have the habit of throwing it away. However, not all objects can be thrown away like that. Some common things like batteries or cosmetics are very toxic and can have a big impact on the environment if not handled properly.


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The lighter contains substances that create fire through friction and is harmful to the environment, so it is a dangerous item and cannot be thrown away arbitrarily. You should not even throw them in the trash containing recyclable products. You should find a place that collects old lighters to dispose of them. In addition, you can add more gas to reuse the lighter to protect the environment.


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There are many cosmetic products that contain substances that can be harmful not only to your health but also to the environment. That is why some countries have taken measures to regulate the use of certain ingredients in cosmetic products. Besides, most cosmetic product packaging is made of glass or plastic, which is harmful to the environment.

Paint jar

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Currently on the market there are many types of paint that contain lead, which is harmful to the environment. For this reason, you should not throw paint cans/bottles that still have paint in the regular trash. You should find a place that specializes in collecting and processing this toxic waste. Additionally, you can use natural colorants that do not affect the environment.


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Hair is not harmful to the environment but it can be harvested for use as fertilizer for agriculture. Hair contains nitrogen and other ingredients that are beneficial to plants, helping plants grow quickly. Besides, cut hair is also used to make wigs. Therefore, every time you cut your hair, you should not throw it in the trash.


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If your plants die for some reason, instead of throwing them in the trash, you can use them as biofertilizer for your garden. Microorganisms will speed up the decomposition process, making your soil more fertile.

Water filters

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A water filter is what helps your family completely eliminate bottled water. However, after using it for a while, the filter will accumulate dirt, which means you have to replace it with a new one. Instead of throwing them in the regular trash, which affects the environment, you should look for a place that specializes in collecting used filters to protect the environment.

The battery

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Some batteries contain mercury and manganese, which are toxic to health and the environment. Many cases of mercury poisoning have occurred due to old batteries not being stored safely. When batteries are old, you should take them to specialized collection places to ensure they are safely disposed of.


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Some aerosol cans contain a mixture of liquids and gases that are harmful to the ozone layer. Therefore, you should handle it carefully and not arbitrarily throw it in any trash can. Instead, you should take the spray bottle to a hazardous materials facility. If you want to throw them away, make sure the spray bottle is completely used up.

Cooking oil and machine oil

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You should never pour cooking oil and diesel down the drain or toilet or into the trash. They can cause clogged toilets and drains and dirty trash cans. For leftover cooking oil, you should pour it into a jar, then take it to a place that specializes in handling this product. Currently, there are several initiatives and research being done to create biodiesel from cooking oil to minimize its impact on the environment.

Letters, utility bills and bank statements

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Letters, utility bills, and credit card statements should never be thrown in the trash because they contain personal information, which could potentially fall into the wrong hands. Many thieves often rummage through trash cans to get account information and extort money from others. Therefore, you should cut them into small pieces, especially the security parts that are highly likely to be compromised, or you can use a shredder if you want to throw them away.

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