Why is the configuration no longer important to laptops?
Not long ago, I talked to you about the decline in the importance of configuration in choosing laptops. Of course, decline does not mean disappearing, configuration is still one of the factors when choosing.
Why, the importance of configuration or how to call people is speed is no longer important will be the main topic of this article.
The processing speed and hardware elements develop unevenly
There is a fact like this, most people who choose to buy new laptops are interested in the speed of the chip or RAM, and also VGA. But the truth is that the current processing speed of these parts is far beyond the needs of most laptop users and far beyond the capabilities of other factors in the machine and beyond the usability of " ordinary people. " "In jobs that account for 99% of the daily time.
Why is the configuration no longer important to laptops? Picture 1
For example, upgrading from the cheapest i3 core chip to high-end core i7 chip allows increasing the time to open a 5 MB excel file to about 0.3s. In fact, the period of less than 1 / 3s is very difficult to feel and almost no effect at all. Obviously, most of you do not need to open an excel file about 20 to 30 MB as in the tests (actually the difference is only 2 3s).
Of course, most are not all. Some special needs such as video rendering or heavy processing still need strong configuration. However, handling these heavy tasks with a laptop will not be a wise choice because of the limitations of this device, but most obviously, the poor heat dissipation mechanism will make life long. The device will be very low.
Meanwhile, things that are directly affecting your daily work speed are lacking in interest. Take an example, hard drive speed. Many people are willing to invest a few million more to choose a faster CPU but hesitate and almost only care about the capacity when choosing the hard drive. Be aware that, in the current conditions, speed and speed difference greatly affect the processing capability and true performance by hard drive technology which is much behind the chip or RAM. .
Why is the configuration no longer important to laptops? Picture 2
Even very heavy chip jobs such as copying files or even rendering or merging files in some cases are also being pulled back by low hard drive speeds.
Thinking about software
In fact, this factor is also strongly influenced by the configuration is too strong. In the past few years, thinking about making games or software shows and utilizing hardware configuration is almost over. In fact, if previously such beautiful, attractive elements were placed first, now, taking advantage of resources, running on more configurations is the top requirement, even with solid areas. Enemies like games.
The reason is not difficult to understand, reducing 1 level of configuration means expanding a part of the market. In an era when other factors have almost reached the limit, solving the performance problem will be the race in the near future. For example, even Crysis configuration assassins follow this rule when version 2 is even lighter than the first version.
Why is the configuration no longer important to laptops? Picture 3
Of course, when even games follow this trend, so are other important software. Take the Office software, for example. If from 2003 to 2007, the change of features was enhanced and made the software much heavier, from 2007 to 2010 the performance improvements were much more interested.
Or even the most important software, OS, clearly shows this. From XP to Vista is a jump in graphics features while from Vista to 7 it is almost exclusively about taking advantage of hardware and Windows 8 is even lighter than Windows 7.
Obviously, in the meantime, most successful products are designed to the ultimate goal of optimizing the user experience plus the fact that technical factors have reached the limit that makes the configuration It has been and will no longer be a problem to buy a laptop.
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