Why does the deck of cards have 52 cards?

Bai Tay is a familiar and extremely popular toy around the world. However, every card or card also contains many interesting mysteries that many people cannot expect.

Bai Tay is a familiar and extremely popular toy around the world. However, every card or card also contains many interesting mysteries that many people cannot expect.

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  2. Why does modern Japan still use squat toilets?

Here are the interesting things hidden inside these magic cards.

Why does the deck of cards have 52 cards? Picture 1Why does the deck of cards have 52 cards? Picture 1

The deck of cards is also known as the flamboyant, including 54 cards, 52 cards are usually divided into 4 muscle, checkered, scalloped, flanged and K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8 , 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A.

The other two cards are two Joker cards, also known as slapstick or clowns.

The origin of the deck

China was the first place to appear in the world around the 9th century, during the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 years). At that time, they were made of paper and were a popular game among the nobility. This set of cards is taken by Western merchants to their country.

In Europe, the deck of cards appeared around the 12th century with the original four "substances" being hearts, bells, leaves and acorns and without any special meaning.

By the late Middle Ages, the deck was changed with the nature of the cards representing the four feudal classes including money, cups, swords and sticks. Money representing the merchant class, the cup representing the church, the sword is the symbol of the military, while the main stick is the lower class of farmers.

Why does the deck of cards have 52 cards? Picture 2Why does the deck of cards have 52 cards? Picture 2

At the time of the Renaissance, the cards also changed their substance and meaning, much like today's hearts, muscles, wings, and spears. Muscle is the heart, expressing noble soul, high bar. Roar represents wealth and power. The dragon represents the peasantry. Bich, not yet defined its meaning, but many people believe that it is a spear, a mark - a popular Renaissance weapon.

Why does the deck of cards have 52 cards?

Why does the deck of cards have 52 cards? Picture 3Why does the deck of cards have 52 cards? Picture 3

  1. 52 cards are 52 weeks of the year.
  2. The first 12 cards represent the 12 months of the year.
  3. 4 muscle, syrup, tep, and flanges in a deck of cards corresponding to 4 seasons of the year.
  4. 13 cards with the same substance in the deck correspond to the total number of weeks each season.
  5. 2 Jokers represent the Moon and the Sun.
  6. When adding points for each card (Force J is 11, Q is 12 and K is 13, Joker is 1), we will have 53 cards total 365, number of days in the year and if plus 2 Joker soldiers will total 366, the number of days in the leap year.
  7. Black and red colors appear mainly for men (black) and women (red).
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