4 legendary battles that change the face of the world in history

The Marathon, the war in Cajamarca, the Battle of Waterloo, ... are important battles that contribute to changing the fate of nations and nations around the world.

The Marathon, the war in Cajamarca, the Battle of Waterloo, . are important battles that contribute to changing the fate of nations and nations around the world.

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1. The Marathon

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In 490 BC, Greece and the mighty Persian empire were at war. The reason is that the Persian emperor Darius I sent messengers to Greece and asked the city states to pay land and water. But the Spartans and the Athensians in the two most powerful cities of Greece refused and took the messenger to behead. This made Darius I extremely angry and decided to conduct the expedition of Theraso of Greece. But thanks to the unity of the Greek people, the Persians were quickly pushed back.

The Persian Emperor Darius I did not flinch, after two years of preparing the forces and draft, he invaded Athens with 600 boats and 10 thousand troops. Darius I hopes to conquer this place in 5 days.

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However, in the Marathon Valley, 42km from Athens, the miracle happened. Greek troops with fewer troops but with high fighting spirit, taking advantage of the terrain defeated the powerful army of Persia. As a result, the Athens army easily repel the invaders, destroying more than 6,400 Persian soldiers while only losing 200 soldiers.

After the Marathon, a series of colonial rebellions broke out against the Persian Empire. Many nations escaped slavery, many countries regained their sovereignty, the Persian empire gradually weakened and had to give up the conspiracy to invade the small nation nearby.

2. The fight in Cajamarca

In 1532, the Spanish suddenly launched a bold attack on the mighty Inca Empire. This Cajamarca battle kicked off the bloody invasion of European empires on Native American tribes.

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In April 1532, the Spanish explorer named Francisco Pizarro and his 168 entourage arrived in Peru, the land of ancient Incas. Pizarro asked Emperor Atahualpa to convert to Christianity. King Atahualpa did not accept that request and took the Bible to the floor as a challenge.

This action was the trigger for the attack from the Spanish army, a war that took place on November 16, 1532. Pizarro with 168 entourage armed with rifles, divine powers and breakthroughs smashed the army of the Inca empire of 8,000, with only combat tactics and simple weapons.

King Atahualpa was captured alive and gave himself a free ransom for the Spaniards with the amount of gold filled with the room he was holding, estimated to be up to $ 250 million. Pizarro agreed to the deal, but when the Incas requisitioned all the possessions in the kingdom to redeem their king, the Spanish explorer immediately wished.

The Spanish continued to detain King Atahualpa and demand more ransom. Finally, when King Atahualpa was exhausted, the Spanish ended his life in August 1533.

Soon after, Pizarro formed the city of Lima and it became the center of Peru. Pizarro's victory paved the way for the invasion of European colonists to a series of later kingdoms in the Americas.

3. Battle of Waterloo

In 1814, European countries were too afraid of Napoleon's ability to hold the army to re-unite Napoleon Bonaparte. The unbeaten emperor was abdicated and banished to a small island in the Mediterranean.

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But the king did not sit still, knowing that the French people still supported him, he secretly escaped from the confinement and returned to the country. Upon receiving the news, the French king then sent troops to arrest him, but all of this army arrived at another army to take Napoleon to finally return under the command of the old emperor.

The coalition of Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia decided to attack Napoleon in the village of Waterloo due to fear that the power of the French emperor would cause the entire European nation to lose sovereignty.

Noon on June 18, 1815, the official war took place. The French troops had been in a series of intense attacks, but the allies led by Wellington had fiercely resisted. The posture was inclined to Napoleon's army, the line was broken by the French. But at that moment, the Prussian army pulled in, breaking through the right wing of Napoleon's army.

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At that time, Wellington's army also countered and caused the French to retreat in confusion. Napoleon left the battlefield, the coalition forces continued to pursue the French army. The French army suffered heavy losses, 25,000 soldiers died and were injured, about 9,000 soldiers were arrested, the allied army lost about 23,000 people.

Napoleon returned to Paris, and abdicated on June 22, leaving the throne to his son. Later, he was exiled to the island of Saint Helena and died there in 1821.

The victory of this war, led him to rise to the superpower position at any time, while helping Europe escape the hegemony, bringing peace, paving the way for the reunification of Germany later.

4. Battle of Stalingrad

On July 17, 1942, the Stalingrad war began to take place in the context of unbeaten German troops. Soviet troops were occupied by the German army to 90% of the city.

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With a will to fight, the Red Army stood firm, holding 10% of the remaining city until the winter and simultaneously attacking two noses on the German 6th Corps at Stalingrad in November. Surrounded, German army subjected to starvation, cold and successive attacks of the Soviet Union, Hitler still did not agree to let this army retreat. By February 1943, the 6th Army was defeated, 841,000 Germans were destroyed. The Red Army repelled the invaders from Stalingrad.

This is the first time that the invading army of the German fascist country has been defeated in a major battle, nearly a quarter of the Soviet-German full-scale army was destroyed. The Soviet victory in this battle was seen as a turning point in the political, military and psychological decisions of World War II and the turning point of humanity in the twentieth century. From here, the Allied army fell from a position of defeat, shifting to a counter-attack phase, gradually repelling the Fascist forces across the fronts.

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