Which operating system?

Today, with the advancement of technology, Windows XP has been able to run on Apple's Macintosh, Linux has also been able to go hand in hand with Windows 'rivals'. At the same time, when the distance between two types of PC and Mac on one

Today, with the advancement of technology, Windows XP has been able to run on Apple Macintosh, Linux has also been able to go hand in hand with the "rival rivals" Windows. At the same time, when the distance between two types of PC and Mac is getting shorter and shorter, the question is: Which operating system (OS) is suitable to use?

Windows XP: Old but still good

First released on 25.10.2001, over nearly 6 years, 400 million copies of Windows XP have been released around the world and quickly became the best-selling operating system in the last half decade. Despite complaints about security, Windows XP is still a successful operating system and is the choice of most Microsoft customers.

Before Windows XP (and its predecessor Windows 2000), Microsoft operating systems were very unstable and frequently caused the computer to hang with a blue screen that was still an obsession with people. use. However, when Windows XP was born, things got better. This OS works very well with computer hardware and works fairly well. With the patches being updated constantly, Service Packs have contributed to perfecting the Windows XP "machine". Especially with Windows Security Center in Service Pack 2 and Internet Explorer 7 just released late last year, the Windows XP vulnerabilities are increasingly closed to create peace of mind for users.

Although Windows Vista has officially been released, Microsoft said it will continue to care about Windows XP for at least the next five years. In the short term, Service Pack 3 of Windows XP is in the development phase and will be available in the first half of 2008.

Windows Vista: The upgrade is worthwhile

Which operating system? Picture 1Which operating system? Picture 1

Windows Vista

According to research by Forrester Research, 40% of Microsoft customers will switch to using Vista next year and will gradually expand from 12 million users in the first year to 73 million in the next four years. This figure shows that Windows Vista is the new choice for many people.

Windows Aero user interface is the most prominent feature of Windows Vista. Vista's display environment is presented with harmonious colors and effects such as drop shadow and transparency that make it more user-friendly. Besides the added features like Windows Sidebar (inspired by Mac OS X Dashboard), users can customize their desktop with the necessary information. Also, compared to Windows XP, Vista is a long jump in security with Windows Defender, NetworkAccess Protection . and finally, Vista gives gamers a new graphics platform: DirectX 10, promises to increase image processing speed by 8 times.

However, Vista is not completely perfect. Experimenting with Microsoft hardware recommended for Vista, the results show that the same application but the speed on XP is significantly faster than Vista. Therefore, if your device is not really strong, do not rush to Vista.

Mac OS: Great applications

An interesting event for Mac users was in the spring of 2007, Apple released the sixth version of the Mac OS X operating system called Leopard (the fifth version called Tiger). The upgrade promises to be an extremely valuable collection of tools and utilities. These include the revolutionary Spotlight search engine, Time Machine special data backup program, Dashboard small utility suite or Spaces virtual desktop . But the most impressive is Boot. Camp, a support software, allows you to install Windows XP ServicePack 2 on an Intel Macintosh system.

However, Apple still does not allow Mac OS X to run on another system. This makes Apple's Macintosh the only device that can run all operating systems with the help of a simulation software like Parallels or VMWare. Parallels' product also offers a Coherence utility - which allows users to run Windows applications alongside Mac OS X's programs. Even the two companies are studying 3D acceleration to help Users can play games like the real thing in a virtual operating system.

Its user-friendly interface, with few layers, little confusing settings, and its great applications, Mac OS X along with the Macintosh system are your great choice.

Linux: Increasingly close

Referring to Linux, a portion of users think it is too difficult to use and only for people with certain IT knowledge. That is true, however, only the past. Today, Linux is gradually becoming more familiar with ordinary users, while giving them a lot of choices from distributors. One of them is Ubuntu, a Linux distro that is widely used for PCs. With just a few clicks, Ubuntu will automatically create partitions on your hard drive and install a new OS next to Windows. Once the new OS has been successfully installed, you will choose to install from hundreds of free programs including multimedia entertainment, development tools . from suppliers.

With low hardware requirements, high security capabilities, many free applications, easy installation and setup . Linux is suitable for systems with low costs but still meets almost Full needs of users.

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