What to eat, what to abstain to help effectively expectorant?

In addition to medication, what is important to eat and drink to help with productive phlegm is also important. Here are some suggestions for phlegm foods and foods to avoid that help with phlegm.

Normally, there is always a certain amount of sputum in our throat. However, for some reason, such as respiratory diseases, nose, throat, lungs, . the sputum can produce more. The increase in sputum secretion if left long can make the disease worse. So, in addition to medication, what food should be eaten, what abstinence to help expectorant effectively? The following article of Quantrimang will suggest you how to beat phlegm with some phlegm foods as well as some foods to avoid helping with phlegm for your reference!

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  1. Foods to help with phlegm effectively?
  2. Foods to abstain from if you want to spend phlegm?
  3. Some tips to help expectorant effectively and quickly

Foods to help with phlegm effectively?


In folklore, white radish has always been considered a natural remedy for coughing up productive cough. It is thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect, soothes the throat, eliminates phlegm of this food. Therefore, radish-based foods will help patients quickly get rid of coughing phlegm in the neck.

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Honey + Ginger

Honey is inherently an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal agent, and also contains many antioxidants and flavonoids. Not only does it reduce mucus, it also helps to calm the airways when stimulated. While ginger is warm, it can help you get rid of any mucus left in your throat, warm your throat and boost your immune system. The ideal way to use it is to combine honey with a few slices of ginger, you will see a clear and fast sputum removal effect.

Chives leaves

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In Chinese medicine, chives leaves are considered a spicy medicine, warmth helps gas, sputum is used to treat coughs with phlegm, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia . Chives leaves contain many activities. antibiotics allicin and vitamin C have the ability to kill bacteria, viruses that cause respiratory diseases and help improve resistance.

Red pumpkin

Another food that is on the list of expectorant foods is pumpkin. Pumpkin is known to have powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, helping to cure infections in your sinuses, while also reducing mucus production.


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Grapefruit contains salicylic acid, which has great antiseptic properties. Eating grapefruit may help treat colds as well as reduce the production of additional mucus. However, when you are on medication, be careful when eating this expectorant food as salicylic acid may react with certain medications.

Thin foods, porridge

Experts say that foods that are dilute, soft, and watery, such as porridge, will be very effective in thickening sputum and helping to flush out toxins.

Carrot + beef broth

Carrots or beef are all sources of raw materials, foods rich in vitamins A, C, zinc, iron - components that help strengthen the body's resistance. Therefore, they are also very effective in helping with sputum, increasing resistance.

Watercress soup, basil

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Watercress and lemon basil leaves have a great effect on coughing, which is also a great food and food to help with phlegm. You only need to add lemon basil leaves and watercress to taste, put in boiling water with spices.

Foods to abstain from to help with phlegm

Besides the list of phlegm foods, the food 'born sputum' is equally much. Here are some foods and drinks that you need to abstain from if you want to consume phlegm effectively.

Ice cream, cold drinks, carbonated drinks, alcohol

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People with cough with phlegm do not recommend eating cold foods, because cold foods stimulate the cough, and are not good for the digestive system.

Candy, food is too sweet

Confectionery and sweets are not only unhealthy, especially for people with cough with phlegm, should stay away from this food, because they can make the cough worse.

Hot spicy food

If you want to spend phlegm, you should avoid eating spicy foods or foods that are too hot, because they will cause itchy neck, stimulate long-lasting cough, especially when you have bronchial cough.

Nuts and cereals

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Oilseeds or legumes and oatmeal spur mucus production and produce sputum. Similarly, foods like pasta, bread and processed cereals are also not good for people who are expecting to eat phlegm.


Fast foods such as pizza, noodles . are also on the list of foods to abstain from people who want to spend phlegm because they contain more fat, indigestion and make your cough more severe.

Dairy products

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Milk and dairy products like yogurt, cheese, etc. do not actually produce extra mucus but it will make the sputum thicker. So if you have a productive cough, you should limit your consumption of these products.

Some tips to help expectorant effectively and quickly

Exercise or moderate yoga

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Exercise not only helps your body become more balanced, increases resistance to the respiratory system and the body, but also a way to help you fight off coughing phlegm and help eliminate phlegm very effectively. Therefore, when you have a productive cough, try to do moderate exercise or do gentle yoga for 10-15 minutes a day. You will find it surprisingly effective!

Sauna, nasal throat

Steam is a way to bring heat into the nose and throat of patients to help dilute phlegm, effectively expel phlegm. You can steam your whole body by sitting in the bathroom next to a hot tub to let the steam spread for about 10 minutes. When the phlegm feels thin in the throat and it is easier to breathe.

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In addition to a full-body sauna, you can choose to use the nose and throat section by using nose and throat inhalers, nebulizers. This will help bring the vapor of medicine or the steam of diluted salt into the nose and throat to help dilute and eliminate sputum more quickly and effectively.

Use a nasal aspirator and a nose wash

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There is also a faster, more effective way to get rid of the choking sputum from the throat that is using a special suction machine, nose wash bottle. With a special mechanism of pumping, suction and pushing, the machine will help remove the amount of sputum and bacteria that obstruct the airway, bring ventilation to the nose and throat, help eliminate phlegm, loosen phlegm quickly and effectively.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you will understand the diet to help with phlegm and what to eat, what to abstain for phlegm effective, and will have more useful experience in flying phlegm. and have a healthy respiratory system.

Wish you success with effective ways to spend sputum!

See also: 5+ best nasal suction machines for babies and children

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