Signs that help you understand babies better

When a baby is born, the baby is still very young, so parents often worry about the health and fitness of the baby.

They are always trying to guess what the child wants and what makes them uncomfortable. So how to understand babies when they can't speak yet? Experts have outlined 3 main ways that can help babies communicate with adults .

While every parent can understand and interpret their child's unique sign, the following general rules are still helpful.

The way babies cry

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Crying is a baby's primary way of expressing needs during the first 4 months of life. But how do parents understand if a child is crying because of hunger, pain or some other reason?

  1. Crying out of boredom : When he wants to get attention, he starts cooing, which is a sign he wants you to play with him. When they do not get what they want, the baby will gradually cry louder and whimper.
  2. Tired Cry : This cry begins with a groan until it gets louder. Babies will also start to yawn when they cry.
  3. Hunger Cry : This cry will be low-pitched and repetitive. There are also some other signs that your baby is hungry, such as putting your finger in his mouth.
  4. Cry of pain : This cry will have a high pitch. Periodic screams indicate increased pain.
  5. Sick cries : Newborns will often make soft whimpers when not feeling well. This is a sign that babies don't have as much energy as they should, making them seem tired.


In addition, babies may cry when they want to change their environment or when they are bored.

Sound out

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Australian opera singer Priscilla Dunstan has been studying the sounds of babies in the first few months of life. She believes that the reflected sounds are intentional and that babies start making sounds before crying in search of information. It is thought that the ability to recognize these sounds at the right time can prevent a baby's next cry. Thousands of babies in different countries took part in testing to validate the ideas of this talented singer.

The main infant sound 'dictionary' includes:

  1. ' Neh ' — 'I'm hungry!'
  2. ' Eh ' — 'I want to burp!'
  3. ' Owh ' — 'I feel sleepy and tired!'
  4. ' Heh ' — 'I feel uncomfortable!'
  5. ' Eairh ' — 'I have bloating and stomach ache.'

How to move

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Body language says a lot about a newborn's health:

  1. Back arching : Babies under 4 months old often do this move in response to pain and colic.
  2. Head Rotation : This is a smooth, gentle motion. Baby can do it before bedtime or when anxious.
  3. Grabbing Ears : In most cases, this shows that your baby is just exploring or self-soothing. You should only consult a doctor if this movement is followed by frequent crying, scratching and repetition.
  4. Clenched fists : This is a sign of hunger. If you realize it in time, you can stop your baby's hungry cries.
  5. Lifting legs : This is a sign of stomach and stomach pain. The baby is trying to act reflexively to ease the pain.
  6. Arm jerking : This movement means the baby is scared. A loud sound, bright light, or sudden awakening can trigger the startle reflex. In this case, the baby needs to be comforted.

Pediatricians advise parents to talk to their children as much as possible, explaining and showing them everything in their surroundings, even if they can't understand anything yet. This action helps you and your baby quickly understand each other by sounds and gestures. In addition, this method also helps babies develop better.

Hope the article is useful to you.

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