What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly?

Find out what happens to your body if you drink beer regularly in the article below!
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On the Internet there are many stories about people who have changed after admitting their bad habits. But what happens to the body if people do the opposite? How will your health and appearance change if you decide to do that harm to your body on a regular basis?

The Bright Side editor has tried a bold experiment to find out what happens to the body if one beer a day is drunk in a month .

In fact, beer is a very nutritious drink on the condition that you drink moderately. So when have you wondered what your body would be like if you regularly loaded this visceral yellow liquid into your body? Invite you to consult!

What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 1What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 1
First of all, it must be said that the person who performed this experiment did not have any serious bad habits. He often walks in the morning and only drinks beer on special occasions.

Even to make sure that the results were most accurate, before he started the experiment, he went to the doctor for a health check, everything was just as planned.

According to the rules of the experiment, this guy must drink beer 5-6 times a week instead of 4 times a week ( as medical experts recommend ). At the end of the month, a health examination will be conducted, showing an interesting change in his body. As expected, the first day of testing this guy's mood was extremely happy because this drink came. But.

First week

What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 2What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 2

After a few days of regular beer drinking, he started having headaches - something that had never happened before. He tried to take a picture of his body every day, recording the changes. After comparing the image above, you can see that his face is slightly swollen, dark circles under his eyes also begin to appear.

The second week

What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 3What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 3

Suddenly, going to bed and waking made him feel 100 times harder than usual. He said it took at least 40 minutes for him to sleep. He even constantly had to reset the alarm clock in the morning and ask for the support of coffee to start the day.

The third week

What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 4What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 4

Colleagues began to realize that he was getting more and more uncomfortable and frustrated . Before starting the experiment, this guy could easily work for about 4 hours without a break and did not feel tired. But after only 3 weeks of beer, he needs to relax at the end of every hour. So bad, he has to constantly watch his watch and wait for the day to end.

The fourth week

What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 5What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 5

This guy has a habit of walking in the morning. During the test, he tried not to give up this habit. However, he said he had to work hard to get dressed and leave the house. Previously, even in bad weather, he wanted to run at least 7 miles every morning. But as soon as the amount of beer absorbed increased into the body, this distance suddenly halved.

See also: What happens if you drink water as soon as you wake up?

Gain weight quickly

What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 6What happens to the body if you drink beer regularly? Picture 6

The most surprising is the rapid weight gain : Although he does not stop exercising, the beer belly is clearly visible.

When the experiment ended, he went to the doctor again to check out the great damage the beer caused to the body. The results showed that he was short of breath and swollen his face. The appearance of beer belly as a result of endocrine disorders and insomnia is a symptom of kidney problems.

What draws from this experiment:

  1. The appearance becomes worse . Only after 1 week of drinking beer often appeared dark circles under the eyes, making the face look pale and swollen. Also, start appearing beer belly.
  2. Bad sleep quality . It takes a long time to fall asleep and wake up every morning. Even when sleeping for 9 hours, the body still feels tired when leaving the bed.
  3. Work becomes more difficult . Because of the sleep disorder, I became uncomfortable and irritable. It is very difficult to concentrate on the ongoing task, experiencing the need to rest several times.
  4. There are many health problems . Exercise performance decreased twice. Blood pressure problems cause your body to pant and tighten your chest. Due to poor sleep quality, headaches often occur.

Before the experience, this guy mistakenly thought that a beer a day did not affect the body. Of course, the reaction of beer in each person's body is different but for this guy, he decided never to repeat the same experiment again. Right now, he is preparing to exercise and have a healthy diet. In particular, away from bars and beer for at least 2 months.

See also: What happens to your body after 10 hours of nail polish?

Having fun!

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