What is Zigbee wave? Does it affect health?

Should you choose a smart home with Zigbee wave technology? is a question that many people wonder? The article below will answer you what is Zigbee Wave? Does it affect health?

Zigbee waves appear in most Smarthome systems and are becoming the core technology to operate smart homes. So what is Zigbee wave? Does Zigbee waves affect human health?

What is Zigbee wave? Does it affect health? Picture 1What is Zigbee wave? Does it affect health? Picture 1

1. What is Zigbee wave?

Zigbee waves are a type of wireless wave frequency in the IoT (Internet of Things) system. Zigbee waves operate according to IEEE 802.15.4 standards (similar to Wifi Internet waves). However, Zigbee is applied in Smarthomes because they use less power, have lower coverage range, and are suitable for compact, battery-powered devices. Although considered a low-range frequency, Zigbee still has the ability to cover up to 100m.

However, the biggest disadvantage of Zigbee waves is their poor ability to penetrate thick walls and large objects. When setting up the SmartHome system, you need to calculate the installation location so that all devices are within Zigbee coverage. The Zigbee broadcast device is specifically designed as a transmitter (like a Wifi transmitter), this transmitter is responsible for transmitting - transmitting - decoding - controlling connected devices. Zigbee waves operate independently, so when the Wifi network is lost, the Internet can still control the devices.

What is Zigbee wave? Does it affect health? Picture 2What is Zigbee wave? Does it affect health? Picture 2

Zigbee waves help smart home devices synchronize with each other, build a connection network and operate in a home. Zigbee waves are an alternative to Wifi and Bluetooth networks in some smart home applications.

2. Does Zigbee waves affect human health?

When hearing about this wave or that wave, many people will worry about whether they affect us or not? Faced with online information about the impact of radio waves, everyone wants to develop safety measures to protect their health.

To analyze whether Zigbee waves affect human health, we must find out whether Wifi waves affect health? Because Zigbee waves and Wifi waves are the same IEEE 802.xx standard and Zigbee waves are weaker than Wifi waves. Assuming Wifi waves have an impact on health, Zigbee waves will also have an impact but less.

What is Zigbee wave? Does it affect health? Picture 3What is Zigbee wave? Does it affect health? Picture 3

According to current scientific research, Wifi waves do not adversely affect human health at a safe level. Radio waves used in Wifi networks are non-ionizing rays - this means they do not have enough energy to cause cell changes and chemical reactions in the human body.

However, the issue of whether Wifi waves are harmful to human health is still a controversial topic around the world. There are thousands of scientific studies but the results are unclear.

What is Zigbee wave? Does it affect health? Picture 4What is Zigbee wave? Does it affect health? Picture 4

Assuming Wifi waves affect human health, we cannot abandon Wifi waves. Because Wifi is the most useful network connection solution today and has the highest coverage rate worldwide. Wifi waves have positively changed people's lives, bringing better technology experiences. In the future, Wifi waves will grow stronger with new standards such as Wifi 7, Wifi 8. with breakneck speed, wide coverage.

In general, Wifi waves do not affect health and neither does Zigbee waves. You can completely rest assured to use it without worrying about reducing your body health.

In this article, TipsMake shared with you about Zigbee wave technology in the Smarthome system. Have a nice day!

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