What is QR Code and how to use it?

What is QR Code and how do I use it? When buying an item, we often see a large square icon with many squares lined up in strange techniques like the matrix printed on the product packaging, which is called QR Code . So QR Code

When buying an item, we often see a large square icon with many squares lined up in strange techniques like the matrix printed on the product packaging, which is called QR Code . So what is a QR Code and what does it mean? Please follow the following article of TipsMake.com.

What is QR Code and how to use it? Picture 1What is QR Code and how to use it? Picture 1

1. What is QR Code?

QR Code stands for Quick response code, or matrix-barcode, a new generation 2D barcode that can be read by a code reader. bar or smartphone (smartphone) has a photo function (camera) with specialized application for scanning barcodes.

Inside a QR code can contain information related to the product, or website, event information, contact information, messages, or even a piece of text location geographic information. Depending on the device that reads a QR code when you scan it, it will lead to the results contained inside.

In short, you can understand QR code is a short form of coding for certain strings of characters such as: url, SMS, address information, phone number, . or an internal do not use.

2. How to use QR Code

a. Generate QR Code

There are quite a few websites now that support us creating QR codes online with just a few simple steps.

Website example: http://goqr.me

You can create QR Code just by manipulating that content into the box and the code will automatically generate and display on the right hand side.

What is QR Code and how to use it? Picture 2What is QR Code and how to use it? Picture 2

After creating, we will get a QR Code with the content of the website address

What is QR Code and how to use it? Picture 3What is QR Code and how to use it? Picture 3

b. Scan the QR Code

To read QR codes, we have many ways, we can use specialized types of code scanners or simply use smartphones to download QR Code scanning applications so that we can read codes easily.

The following example we use the QR Code Reader software to scan the code just created above:

What is QR Code and how to use it? Picture 4What is QR Code and how to use it? Picture 4

Above is an introduction to QR Code and how to use it, hope the article will be useful to you. Thank you for watching!

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