What is Hot Swap? Advantages and disadvantages of Hot Swap Keyboard

HACOM helps you understand what Hot Swap is? The great advantages of Hot-Swap Keyboard bring to technology people to help improve work quality and efficiency.

Hot swap is becoming more and more popular and common with technology people. So what exactly is hot swap , what convenient improvements does it bring to users? Let's explore the details of hot swap, what is hot swap keyboard in the article below with TipsMake !

What is Hot Swap?

Hot Swap is also known by many people as Swappable, Hot-Swappable Switches or Swap. This is a term used to refer to a type of mechanical keyboard that can be easily removed and installed without the need for soldering to the PCB as usual.

What is Hot Swap? Advantages and disadvantages of Hot Swap Keyboard Picture 1What is Hot Swap? Advantages and disadvantages of Hot Swap Keyboard Picture 1

Hot Swap on mechanical keyboards is a feature that allows you to change and maintain keyboard switches without having to disassemble or remove the entire keyboard. This helps you change new switches or repair existing switches without having to disassemble the entire keyboard or remove components.

Currently on the market, the two most popular types are Hot Swap-Keyboard and Hot Swap switch. These two types of keyboards have many similarities so they are easily confused. Hot Swap Keyboard is understood as a keyboard with Hot Swap. However, having Hot Swap does not mean that it is a Hot Swap Switch.

For example, Cherry MX is a Hot Swap Pinout Keyboard, but it does not have the ability to switch without soldering.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a Hot Swap keyboard?

So in the above section, TipsMake shared with you what Hot Swap is , so when using Hot Swap Keyboard, what advantages and disadvantages will it bring to users?


The first benefit to mention is that Hot Swap helps you easily change and upgrade the keyboard, the switches are constantly changed to increase the life of the device. At the same time, Hot Swap is also considered a highly economical keyboard change, easy to install, helping to reduce costs for users.

What is Hot Swap? Advantages and disadvantages of Hot Swap Keyboard Picture 2What is Hot Swap? Advantages and disadvantages of Hot Swap Keyboard Picture 2

In addition, the Hot Swap mechanical keyboard also provides a better typing experience, thereby improving work efficiency and is often used by technology enthusiasts, people who often type, edit or write code,.

Among them are the most popular Hot Swap mechanical keyboards today such as Hot Swap 75 Keyboard with 75% Hot Swap circuits that will help you experience the maximum benefits of Hot Swap.


High cost : Hot Swap Keyboard will require a special PCB and some compatible components, so the cost of mechanical keyboards with Hot Swap will be higher than other regular keyboards.

The replacement process requires a technician to perform : The Switch pins can break if you change the Switch too many times or with the wrong technique, so you need to be careful every time you change the Hot Swap.

Difficult to configure : When deciding to use Hot Swap, you need to configure your keyboard correctly and need to have knowledge to connect other components to avoid errors when using.

Some notes when using Hot Swap

Once you understand what Hot Swap Keyboard is and what a Hot Swap keyboard is, you need to keep in mind the following things to ensure the most effective use of Hot Swap.

What is Hot Swap? Advantages and disadvantages of Hot Swap Keyboard Picture 3What is Hot Swap? Advantages and disadvantages of Hot Swap Keyboard Picture 3

Choose the right Switch type : Choose a Switch type with a sound durability compatible with your usage preferences.

Note on installation : Install the Switch into the mechanical keyboard correctly and check for continuous operation during use.

Check components before replacing : You should carefully check the new Switch before replacing it into the mechanical keyboard to ensure the Switch works properly.

Choose to buy equipment at a reputable and quality address : Choose to buy Hot Swap Switches and mechanical keyboards at the manufacturer's genuine facilities to ensure the best quality.

Above, TipsMake has shared knowledge to help you answer the question: What is Hot Swap ? This is a very unique keyboard that brings many new experiences to users. If you want to upgrade your keyboard to Hot-Swap Keyboard or still do not understand what Hot Swap keyboard is , please call TipsMake immediately via hotline 1900 1903 or leave a message on the Website for more detailed advice and support. 

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