What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse

When researching types of computer mice, you often see product descriptions showing different DPI indicators depending on the type of mouse. So what is DPI?

In the process of learning about computer mice, you often see product descriptions showing different DPI indicators depending on the type of mouse. So, what specifically is the DPI index? How is it useful to users and how can this indicator be changed? Let's find out with TipsMake now!  


  1. What is DPI?
  2. What is the DPI button on the mouse used for?
  3. How to view DPI index on mouse
  4. How does DPI affect performance?
  5. DPI levels and sensitivity. Which DPI level should I choose?
  6. Instructions on how to change the DPI index
    1. Change mouse DPI on Windows 10 operating system
    2. Change mouse DPI using the button on the mouse
  7. Frequently asked questions about what is mouse DPI?
    1. Does a higher DPI mean a better quality mouse?
    2. Does high DPI affect performance?
  8. Epilogue

What is DPI?

DPI is an abbreviation for the phrase ' Dots Per Inch ', which is understood as an index measuring the level of operation and control sensitivity of a computer mouse. If the mouse's DPI index is higher, it means the mouse is more sensitive. 

To calculate the DPI index, you can refer to the following formula: 

What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse Picture 1What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse Picture 1

In addition, the DPI index can be customized to increase/decrease the pre-set value at the beginning, to change the movement speed and operation of the mouse during tasks. 

Some computer mouse models allow users to change the DPI index by pressing a button or using an application. To learn more about what this DPI button/application does, continue reading the following content at TipsMake !  

What is the DPI button on the mouse used for?

For popular computer mice on the market that are used to handle basic office tasks that do not require high sensitivity, manufacturers usually do not equip additional DPI buttons on the mouse. However, computer mice for gamers will be equipped with a DPI button, helping to increase the mouse's operation and processing speed .  

Specialized computer mice with physical DPI buttons allow users to quickly customize DPI resolution as well as mouse speed .

What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse Picture 2What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse Picture 2

How to view DPI index on mouse

After understanding the benefits of the DPI index during operation and the location of the DPI button display, users can also check the computer mouse DPI through the application - DPI Analyzer.

What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse Picture 3What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse Picture 3

With this application, you can check the DPI of your computer mouse accurately. However, the limitation of the application is that the operations are a bit complicated. 

Another simpler way you can see the DPI index on the mouse is to look at the information about the technical specifications printed on the product box when you buy it. If you can't see it, you can also download the Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center application, which is a specialized software used to effectively measure mouse DPI.

How does DPI affect performance?

DPI indices on popular computer mice today usually range from 800 - 1000 DPI . Specialized computer mice such as gaming or design mice will have higher DPI levels to meet the need for quick task processing.

To know whether the DPI level of the mouse line you are using is high or low depends on the size and resolution of the connected computer screen. For high-resolution screens, more pixels are needed. Therefore, the required DPI index will also be higher.  

What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse Picture 4What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse Picture 4

High-resolution computer screens require dragging a low-DPI mouse at a distance to move the mouse display on the screen. New mouse lines are available today, allowing users to customize DPI through the settings buttons on the mouse controller. Or, you can also use a specialized application to adjust parameters. 

In case users cannot adjust mouse DPI for Windows and Macbook computers, there will be separate settings to quickly increase mouse sensitivity.

However, using the method of increasing DPI on the computer is not always effective. Wearing it may cause the mouse pointer to shake and not operate correctly. Ideally, you should invest in a high-end mouse with a minimum DPI of 10,000 to meet your needs. 

DPI levels and sensitivity. Which DPI level should I choose?

As TipsMake mentioned, regular mice have a DPI index of 800 - 1000 . As for specialized mice, the number can be up to 6000 DPI. Furthermore, there are also some mouse lines that are equipped with the ability to customize the DPI index to increase or decrease as needed by simply pressing a button on the mouse body. 

If currently, you are still unclear about the appropriate DPI level for your needs, you can refer to the comparison table below:

DPI value range  Subjects of use Price range  Reference products
1000 Suitable for basic office tasks About 100,000 VND Logitech M100r wired mouse
1000 – 1600 Basic image editing and casual entertainment From 100,000 - 300,000 VND Zadez M325 wireless mouse
1600 – 4000 Professional image editing and powerful game configuration From 300,000 - 500,000 VND Gaming Mouse Zadez GT – 613M
Over 4000 Special jobs such as design and gaming Over 500,000 VND Logitech G502 Hero Gaming Mouse 

Instructions on how to change the DPI index

After viewing the mouse DPI, with strong mouse sensitivity tasks, you can perform steps to change the index through 2 ways: Operating on the screen with the operating system and operating directly on the mouse. See detailed instructions below:

What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse Picture 5What is DPI? How to view and change DPI index on mouse Picture 5

Change mouse DPI on Windows 10 operating system

For users of computers equipped with Windows 10 operating system, you can adjust the mouse DPI on the screen as follows:

  1. Step 1: At the computer main interface screen, click on
    Start . Next, select PC Settings for PC or Settings for laptop. 
  2. Step 2: The screen displays the Windows Settings window. At this point, click on Devices. 
  3. Step 3: On the Menu bar of the Devices section, select Mouse, the mouse icon located in the left panel of the Devices Menu section. Next, in the right menu, click Additional mouse options. 
  4. Step 4: The Mouse Properties dialog box appears on the screen. Then you select Pointer Options . In the Motion section, you need to move the slider to adjust the speed and sensitivity of the mouse. Then, click Apply to save and finish the changes. 

Change mouse DPI using the button on the mouse

With specialized computer mice for gamers, most of the mouse bodies are equipped with custom buttons to increase sensitivity when moving the mouse. 

At that time, the DPI button will often be mounted below the mouse wheel, and is identified by its smaller button size compared to other buttons. Or, some brands will engrave the word 'DPI' on the button. 

The operation to change the DPI index is to click the button once, or you can move the mouse to the previously available DPI setting. On the market, there are also some manufacturers that design 2 different DPI buttons with separate increase or decrease functions for user convenience. 

Frequently asked questions about what is mouse DPI?

DPI is considered a rather strange term for people who are not experts in electronics and technology. Therefore, when there is a need to use a DPI mouse, there are often many questions that need to be answered as follows:

Does a higher DPI mean a better quality mouse?

Conceptually, the higher the DPI index, the more sensitive the operation speed is. However, in reality, a high DPI index is not always good. The reason is because the higher the DPI number, if you drag the mouse up a little bit, the mouse pointer will move farther. This will not be suitable for basic office operations. Therefore, TipsMake recommends that you better choose a mouse with a DPI index compatible with the computer configuration components. 

Does high DPI affect performance?

The answer is Yes. High DPI index is suitable for users who are gamers and designers with the need to move quickly. Therefore, using a high DPI mouse helps increase better working performance.  


In the above article, TipsMake has given detailed answers to readers about what DPI is, its uses as well as steps to customize DPI resolution on screen and mouse. If you want to buy computer mice with suitable DPI index at affordable prices, please contact us now!

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