What is #81921CB23227 that suddenly popped up all over Twitter?

What is #81921CB23227 that is being searched and written all over on Twitter fins? Let's find the answer with Tipsmake in the article below.

What is #81921CB23227?

#81921CB23227 is a hashtag on Twitter. If a user posts a post with the hashtag #81921CB23227, the Like button of that post will have a very interesting effect. The like button still has a heart shape, but when someone clicks it, it will turn into an animation, bloom like a colorful flower and eventually turn back into a red heart.

What is #81921CB23227 that suddenly popped up all over Twitter? Picture 1What is #81921CB23227 that suddenly popped up all over Twitter? Picture 1

Many people after discovering this 'code' wrote it in their posts. Very quickly the hashtag 81921CB23227 appeared all over Twitter.

However, until now no one knows when it started to appear, who discovered that 'code' first and why it appeared.

Some fans of the Korean group BTS think that the special hashtag is Twitter's congratulations on the one-year anniversary of the release of the song Dynamite, which is BTS's first song that is entirely in English.

Some other comments said that the hashtag 81921CB23227 was Twitter's congratulation on many national football leagues in Europe starting a new exciting football season.

Some people also think that it is simply a sign that Twitter is about to have an event or introduce something new.

Currently, Twitter has yet to give any explanation for the interesting 'crypto' above. And most netizens don't care what the hashtag 81921CB23227 means or why it appears. They simply find it interesting and useful.

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