What effect does collagen have on skin and health?

Collecting more than a quarter of the protein in the body, collagen brings a lot of important effects to the skin and health.


What is collagen?What effect does collagen have on skin and health? Read our article if that is the problem you are concerned about!


  1. What effect does collagen have?
    1. Effect of collagen with skin
    2. Effect of collagen with health
  2. Ways to supplement collagen for the body

What effect does collagen have?

Collagen is a protein found in animals, especially mammals. In the body, collagen is mainly distributed in bone cartilage, muscles, cell membranes, skin, tendons, blood vessels, bones and some other organs. This protein acts as a binder to connect body tissues together, forming a complete block. So what effect does collagen have on the skin and body:

Effect of collagen with skin

Helps skin smooth and youthful : Collagen accounts for 70% of skin structure and mainly distributed in the dermis. It works to connect skin cells, stimulate metabolism and increase skin elasticity. Thanks to collagen, your skin will be youthful and smooth. In contrast, lack of collagen, skin will be dry, wrinkled, sagging and appear wrinkles.

Heals wounds, prevents scar formation : When binding collagen - elastin is damaged and cannot be restored to create scarring. Therefore, people often use collagen during scar treatment to stimulate new cell production, connect broken links and thereby obscure deep scarring

What effect does collagen have on skin and health? Picture 1What effect does collagen have on skin and health? Picture 1

Collagen helps skin firm, youthful

Effect of collagen with health

Blood vessel protection: Collagen is the constituent of blood vessels, helps blood vessels become stronger and prevents many dangerous diseases such as internal bleeding, arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction, .

Healthy bones: Collagen accounts for about 80% of bone structure. If the bone is a house, the main collagen is iron and steel. Lack of collagen, bone will lose its elasticity, toughness and prone to osteoporosis, osteoporosis.

Prevent cartilage diseases : 50% of cartilage structure is collagen. Lack of collagen, cartilage friction will increase, leading to the risk of osteoarthritis and many other dangerous diseases such as lumbar pain, disc herniation, .

Good for eyes : Collagen is abundant in cornea and vitreous form in crystalline form. Lack of collagen, your eyes will be visually impaired and susceptible to cataracts.

Stimulating the immune system : By creating a suitable environment for beneficial bacteria to function inside the body, collagen contributes to improving the immune system and preventing many diseases.

Cancer prevention : Some studies show that collagen can prevent the conversion of embryonic stem cells into cancer cells.

Protect internal organs, teeth, nails, hair , prevent cardiovascular diseases, liver, lung, periodontal disease, limit hair loss, .

What effect does collagen have on skin and health? Picture 2What effect does collagen have on skin and health? Picture 2

Collagen helps maintain a healthy body

Ways to supplement collagen for the body

Thus, collagen plays a very important role for each of us. Lack of collagen, the body cannot be healthy. So in what ways should collagen be supplemented?

Using collagen-containing cosmetics: These are products that contain collagen and are used outside the skin. Some typical collagen cosmetics: Tay Thi collagen lotion (VND 250,000), Tay Thi Collagen lotion (VND 250,000), Japanese Waki ​​Beyou Blanc - Placenta & Collagen (VND 480,000) e).

Using oral supplements for collagen : Usually produced in tablet form and for oral administration. These products have the effect of providing collagen to the body, helping to beautify the skin and protect the health from deep inside. Some typical products: Tay Thi Collagen Drink (VND 399,000), Beyou Royal Placenta functional white skin, anti-melasma, freckles (VND 420,000), .

Eat plenty of collagen-rich foods: Adding collagen-rich foods in the menu daily is the best way to provide collagen to the body. So what foods contain lots of collagen:

  1. Soybeans: Soybeans contain genistein - a plant hormone that promotes the production of collagen in the body. Not only that, soy also helps firm skin and increase recovery, limiting aging and sagging skin.
  2. Garlic: Not only is a delicious spice, garlic is also a rich collagen food. In garlic contains lots of lipoic, sulfur, sulfur and taurine acids, which regenerate and form collagen fibers.

What effect does collagen have on skin and health? Picture 3What effect does collagen have on skin and health? Picture 3

Garlic - collagen rich food

  1. Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain large amounts of lycopene - an antioxidant that protects skin from UV rays and enhances the body's collagen supplement.
  2. Butter : Butter is a very nutritious food. Eating butter every day will give your body plenty of precious nutrients like vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids, .

At this point, all of you probably know what collagen works for your skin and your health, right? Visit META.vn for advice and order good quality collagen products.

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