Using the following 3 types of wireless mouse batteries helps increase mouse life

You should use the following types of wireless mouse batteries to increase the life of your computer mouse: Alkaline batteries, Carbon batteries, Lithium batteries,...

Wireless mice have become much more popular today with a variety of choices from cheap to high-end. All use batteries to maintain and provide energy for long-term operation. So have you ever wondered how long a wireless mouse battery lasts? What type of battery should I use? Join TipsMake to find the answer in the article below.

How long does a wireless mouse battery last?

Normally, if you use good quality genuine batteries, you can maintain a wireless mouse battery life for quite a long time, from 6 months to 1 year . The exact usage time also depends on your needs and intensity of using the mouse every day.

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However, genuine batteries and batteries floating on the market will have different structures, leading to different battery life:

  1. Genuine battery: Genuine batteries are meticulously machined with very good material density, battery technology, battery core technology and energy retention ability. This gives you superior usage time compared to floating batteries on the market but the price is often relatively high.
  1. Batteries floating on the market: This type of battery usually has a very cheap price compared to other reputable battery brands. Price will often be an advantage for users to access these types of batteries. However, that is also why the ability to perfect and the quality of technology in batteries is often not too high. There are even many types of batteries that can cause damage to the device.

It's better to choose genuine batteries for yourself. Nowadays there are many manufacturers introducing high quality batteries at much cheaper prices. If possible, choose these batteries for the best usage time and safety.

>> See more: Causes and latest ways to fix wireless mice.

What factors affect wireless mouse battery?

Battery life on a wireless mouse is largely determined by the type of battery you choose. Along with that, there are many other factors that directly and indirectly affect battery life on wireless mice. Specifically:

Battery type

As mentioned above, battery life on a wireless mouse is greatly affected by the type of battery you are using. Normally, floating batteries have a lifespan of only 3-6 months or even less. Even if two different types of batteries are used mixed together, it will cause battery loss faster than using them simultaneously.

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Mouse usage time

The next factor that directly affects wireless mouse battery life is the time you use the mouse. If you only use the mouse 1-2 hours a day, the battery will last longer than if you use it all day. The more often you use the mouse, the more battery power it will consume, and the faster the mouse will run out of battery.

Touchpad surface

There is a factor that greatly affects the battery life of a computer mouse , but many of you are not aware of it, and that is the touchpad surface. This factor greatly affects the internal reading sensor. An unsuitable surface will cause the sensor to work harder and use more battery power.

Different types of mice will have different usable surfaces. Most types of mice need to be used on a smooth, flat surface and preferably have a mouse pad covered underneath.

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Mouse type

In addition, different types of mice also give different usage times. If the mouse is equipped with RGB LED lights, it will definitely consume more battery than traditional mice.

Nature of work

The nature of work also directly affects the life of the wireless mouse battery. If your work involves using the mouse a lot and continuously for a long time, it will consume more battery power. On the contrary, if you regularly use the keyboard, you will less likely need to replace the mouse battery.

What types of batteries are there for wireless mice?

There are many different battery brands that you can choose from for your device. However, in general, manufacturers will focus more on the following 3 main types:

1. Alkaline Batteries

The first type of wireless mouse battery TipsMake wants to introduce to you is the Alkaline battery model . This type of battery seems to be familiar to many users as it has a relatively cheap price and is sold in many places. The biggest weakness probably comes from the inability to recharge, so you can only use it once and pollute the environment when discharged outside.

In addition to being cheaper, the energy loss when not in use of alkaline batteries is quite low, only about 0.3%. The high load capacity and long storage time of this battery are also very impressive. You can easily preserve alkaline batteries for many years and only lose an average of about 2% per year.

Some quality Alkaline battery manufacturers include Phillips, Fuji or Duracell.

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2. Carbon Battery

If you don't know, most cheap wireless mouse batteries on the market today are Carbon batteries. With a very cheap price, users often choose it for devices that use little energy such as (flashlights, controllers, children's toys, etc.).

However, this type of battery often has a not so good lifespan and quality. After a long period of non-use, the electrolyte solution in the battery can flow and cause damage to the electronic device you are using. Therefore, please check carefully before reusing the battery. If there are unusual signs such as swelling or moisture, it should be replaced immediately to ensure the safety of the electronic device.

This battery has a low capacity so it will not be suitable for devices that require a lot of power such as wireless mice. If you still use carbon batteries for your mouse, it can lead to reduced device life and even damage.

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3. Lithium battery

Similar to alkaline batteries, Lithium batteries are not rechargeable and can only be used once. However, the outstanding advantage of Lithium batteries comes from their very high capacity and light weight that is only 50% compared to Alkaline batteries. At the same time, the battery's performance is very stable even in low temperature conditions.

However, higher capacity and more equipped technologies also make the cost of Lithium batteries significantly higher. Therefore, Lithium batteries are not as widely used as the two types of batteries mentioned above.

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What type of battery should I use for my wireless mouse?

If you are a student with limited finances and do not want to invest too much in batteries, Alkaline Alkaline Batteries are a great choice. Good battery quality, long life and safe even when not used for a long time, no electrolyte leakage occurs. In addition, this type of battery loses very little energy when used or not.

However, if the financial problem is not too big, you can consider Lithium batteries with many advantages compared to Alkaline batteries. Lithium batteries usually have higher capacity and light weight, allowing you to use the wireless mouse for a long time without needing to change the battery.

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Besides finances and usage needs, choosing the right battery according to the parameters on the mouse is also extremely important. From there, it will help you avoid mouse damage. Normally, wireless mice will require an AA battery with a current of about 1.5V.

In short, when choosing a battery for their mouse, users need to carefully consider many different factors including price, configuration parameters and battery size to be able to make the most optimal choice.

How to increase wireless mouse battery life

Besides choosing a good battery, you can combine the following tips to increase wireless mouse battery life :

Turn off when not is use

Turning off the wireless mouse when not in use will help you save a lot of energy and maintain significantly longer usage time. Thereby avoiding wasting money, limiting technological waste and minimizing environmental pollution. In addition, current wireless mice are equipped with standby and sleep features to automatically rest when not in use. However, it's better to disconnect the mouse using the switch below when not needed.

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Pay attention to the touchpad surface

As mentioned above, using a wireless mouse on an unsuitable surface will cause the reader's eyes to work continuously, affecting energy efficiency. In particular, surfaces such as glass, glossy or rough surfaces will cause the mouse to consume more energy. Therefore, to prolong the battery life of your mouse, you should choose a flat, smooth surface and use it with a mouse pad.

Choose the appropriate battery

To achieve long and stable battery life, you should first get yourself a high-quality battery, manufactured from a reputable brand. From there, the battery will optimize energy efficiency, minimizing the problem of leakage causing damage to electronic devices. In addition, you should not reuse old batteries that have been stored for a long time, rusted batteries or poor quality batteries floating on the market.

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Mouse distance

The distance between the mouse and the receiver is also one of the important factors that causes more energy to be lost. The farther this distance is, the more efficient the mouse will be to capture the signal and consume more energy. Therefore, you should keep the mouse and receiver not too far away if you want to increase battery life.

Use keyboard shortcuts:

Using the mouse regularly for most on-screen tasks is quite time-consuming and consumes a lot of energy. Instead, you can use it with the keyboard and key combinations to operate more quickly while also saving battery power for your mouse.

Avoid interference

Most wireless devices use frequencies/waves to connect and wireless mice are no exception. Placing other electronic devices or metal objects near the wireless mouse will cause unnecessary interference and energy loss. It's better to place things far away from each other to avoid wasting battery.

Avoid removing the connector more than once

The mouse connector or receiver is a USB-shaped device that is responsible for receiving and transmitting signals from the mouse to the computer. Removing and disassembling a lot can easily lead to deformation of the receiver, greatly affecting signal reception. From there, the mouse will consume more energy to connect to the computer.


Through TipsMake's article, we hope you have chosen a good wireless mouse battery that is more suitable for your needs. In addition, knowing the causes of energy consumption and how to fix them will help you increase battery life. You can contact TipsMake for more detailed advice on wireless mice if needed.

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