How to replace mechanical keyboard switches simply at home
Mechanical keyboards, after a period of use, may encounter some problems such as keys not working, having to press very hard for the button to receive a signal, double clicks, etc. In this case, you can try to proceed. Replace the switch for your keyboard to fix it. In the article below, TipsMake will guide you how to replace mechanical keyboard switches quickly and simply at home.
What tools are needed to replace mechanical keyboard switches?
To be able to quickly remove or replace the mechanical keyboard switch, you need to fully prepare the following items:
- Small soldering iron.
- Solder pump (to remove lead and remove solder joints).
- Electronic level soldering.
- Keypuller or use O-ring.
- Small screwdriver suitable for keyboard.
- Lift bar to open the keyboard cover.
- Replacement keyboard switches.
- Small pliers or tweezers.
- Wire cutter and corresponding LED light.
How to replace mechanical keyboard switches simply at home Picture 1
Note: You need to choose the correct type of switch that is compatible with the mechanical keyboard you are using. This helps avoid the situation where the switch joints do not fit tightly with the contact surface and circuit board.
Instructions on how to replace mechanical keyboard switches simply and safely
Once you have prepared all the above items, proceed to replace the mechanical keyboard switch according to the steps below:
Step 1: Disassemble the mechanical keyboard that needs to replace the switch
First, you need to disconnect the keyboard from the PC system you are using and choose a clean, flat area to disassemble the keyboard.
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Depending on the type of keyboard, there will be different ways to remove it. For simple keyboards, after removing the keycaps with a keypuller, you just need to remove the screws on the edges and you're done. Remember to use a small box to store screws to avoid losing them. However, for more complex keyboards, you need to remove the keycap first. Then remove the plastic seal, remove the screws and finally remove the retainer from the keyboard.
After completely disassembling the keyboard, you will see the printed circuit board inside including a series of components connected to a metal plate.
Step 2: De-solder the circuit board
Clean both sides of the circuit board, then heat up the soldering iron and soldering pump. Turn the PCB board upside down and place it on the table so that the back side of the board is facing up and the other side containing the switches is underneath.
When the welding machine has reached a certain temperature, you proceed to clean all oxidized residue after a period of use. Place the sharp tip of the welding machine on the electrical prong of the switch that needs to be replaced to melt all the old solder joints.
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After the weld has been converted from solidified to liquid, continue to use the welding pump to suck up the liquid. Remember you need to place the soldering pump on the top of the weld to achieve the best results. Depending on the size of the weld, this operation can be repeated many times. Then, do the same with the remaining switches of the switch.
Note: Always make sure the welding rod is clean during the process of melting all old solder joints. At the same time, absolutely do not let your hands touch the non-conductive material on the circuit board to avoid damaging the remaining parts. In case the keyboard has additional LEDs attached to the switch, you need to do this operation for the LED pins as well.
Step 3: Remove the old switch to replace the new mechanical keyboard switch
After removing all the old solder joints, the job you now need to do is remove all the old switches from the circuit board. For keyboards with additional LEDs, especially bluetooth gaming keyboards, you need to pay attention to the current direction of the LED so that you can later reset it to the correct position.
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For keyboards with switches attached to the PCB circuit board, this operation is extremely easy. You just need to pull them out with your fingers or use a small pair of pliers and you're done. Particularly for switches that are mounted directly on plastic or metal panels, you need to press down a bit and use pliers to gently shake them to be able to remove them from the connection surface.
During this process, if you encounter some situations where it is difficult or impossible to pull the switch out, check the old joints to see if they have come off. You should not try to remove the switch by pulling or yanking to avoid affecting the quality of the circuit board.
Step 4: Install the new switch
As soon as you have removed all the old switches, you only need to check the circuit board, clean any remaining dust and check the new switch again. Make sure, before attaching to the circuit board, that the two pins of the switch are straight and do not have any excess material sticking up.
Assembly operations are also extremely simple, you just need to place the new switch in the correct position on the circuit board and fix it with solder. Heat the welding machine to a certain temperature, place it directly on the switch prong for a few seconds. Then place the solder wire to heat around the battery and electrical contacts. Continue doing this until the entire switch is installed.
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With switches equipped with LED lights, you need to perform this operation more carefully and re-align the position to the correct direction. You can bend the LED wires a bit after you finish soldering to help them stay in the right position or cut the wires close to the soldering point to increase aesthetics.
Note: You should only melt enough solder to cover the entire leg of the switch. Do not use too much to avoid spilling over non-conductive materials present on the circuit.
Step 5: Check the quality of the new switch
To check the connection quality of the new switch, you just need to connect to the PC system to check. This way, you can evaluate whether the switch is working properly or not. If the same errors no longer appear as before before replacing the new switch, it means you have successfully replaced the switch.
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Step 6: Install the complete keyboard
When you have finished testing the new switch, you just need to put the circuit board back into the keyboard case, then close it tightly and secure it with the screws you previously removed. Finally, attach each keycap to the original position of the keyboard and use the keyboard as normal.
Notes when using mechanical keyboard switches
External environmental impacts or hand operations on mechanical keyboards are also the main causes of errors. Furthermore, having to constantly replace switches will also cost you a lot of money and time. Therefore, while using a mechanical keyboard, please note the following issues to help increase the lifespan of your witch:
- Absolutely do not let water or food spill on the keyboard surface.
- Regularly clean your keyboard and make sure to follow the correct cleaning process.
- Do not let the keyboard be bumped against hard objects multiple times during use or movement.
- When transporting the keyboard, use a carrying bag or add foam pads to limit collisions on both sides of the keyboard.
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Above is all the information related to the process of replacing mechanical keyboard switches that TipsMake wants to share with you. Hopefully this content will help you disassemble and install the keyboard switch yourself at home. If you are looking for beautiful switches suitable for your keyboard, please quickly contact TipsMake immediately for the most detailed consulting support.
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