Top 7 common reasons why employees leave businesses

In many cases, wages are not the main reason employees leave the company, but the working environment is the cause.

A stable, well-trained workforce is one of the important keys to help businesses achieve business success. Businesses will suffer huge losses when spending time and cost of training employees, then they leave. Although some people quit because of health problems or force majeure causes, most employees quit their jobs with specific causes and in many cases, businesses can improve the situation. . Current businesses are facing the situation of employees who have been off work so they should pay attention to the things mentioned in this article!

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In many cases, wages are not the main reason employees leave the company, but the working environment is the cause. Luckily, we just need to analyze it a bit to see why they choose to quit. Talk openly to employees who have left the company and those who are working, employers, managers and business owners to find out what causes people to feel. unsatisfied. Then can you find a way to improve the current unhappy work environment? Here are 7 most common reasons businesses should consult:

1. Rigid work schedule makes it difficult for employees

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Managers and supervisors sometimes forget that their employees also have personal lives outside of work and do not facilitate, not even thinking about flexible schedules for their employees to have can take time to rest and take care of the family. The relentless spin of the job for 5 days - 40 hours a week makes workers almost no time to do other things. There is a simple way to adjust the work schedule to be more flexible, increasing the staff's daily working time to 10 hours from Monday to Thursday, and for longer weekends. Currently, some managers have applied this method to solve the problem quite effectively.

Besides, managers can hire more people to share work . This way both benefits the business because having more employees will help make the vision more special and special, can take on the larger workload. Nowadays, as technology grows more and more, giving people surprising facilities, remote work and exchange also become more popular than before, more productive labor and people Workers can freely choose their working days or holidays.

2. Managers cause more trouble instead of solving problems

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Surprisingly, sometimes a good employee is promoted to become a bad manager. Of course, managers can also have bad habits like always holding their phone, computer, tablet for example. Indifference to the needs of employees can cause workers to feel dissatisfied and leave. In other words, managers who are too busy or too distracted to hear the opinions of others cannot solve the problems that their employees are having.

Managers who do not support their employees , do not fulfill their duties or blame others for problems in their departments are signs that their leadership is weak. Even, some managers do not evaluate the ability of the staff properly, set impossible goals for the group or just say without doing. It is also the expression of a poor manager.

3. There are no promotion opportunities for potential employees

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The promotion in work is extremely important for any employee and the stagnation is not promoted, which can cause them to feel very uncomfortable. Note that there are many other important factors no less than salary. Of course, wages also affect emotions very much, but it is not the main factor that makes them leave their jobs. Almost every employee likes the feeling of being challenged and becoming an expert in dealing with a particular issue, but no one wants to be considered an unimportant person in the organization or a substitute. anytime.

The absence of appropriate training programs and work assignments also contributes in part to the situation that employees leave the business. Therefore, enterprises should build a capacity assessment system based on work performance to serve as a basis for staff reminding. If your workers know where and how they need to improve themselves, they are more likely to stay in the business and seek opportunities for promotion.

4. Business owners often underestimate their employees and create an unfriendly working environment

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Employees who feel they are not valued or underestimated at work often leave the business soon. This is a very common psychological law that makes workers do not want to try to stick with their jobs. Not only that, the lack of respect for employees can reduce labor productivity. When relationships in work are not smooth, comfortable, having many people applying for leave is inevitable.

A majority of professional ethics, rules and working environment of the company are built on the basic foundation that the employees are respected and evaluated properly . Often the business owner expresses a disrespectful attitude towards his employees that will show it to both potential customers and partners in the market. For example, customers may notice this situation and start asking themselves: " If their employees are not respected, will their customers be respected? ".

5. Managers do not support employees

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Without the timely support of the superiors, the staff easily felt like they were being taken advantage of. Sometimes to cut costs, business owners often let an employee take on the job of 2-3 people or force their employees to spend too much time on things that are not part of their job descriptions like photocopying, mailing, running errands .

Another good example of a lack of managerial support is when a business owner gives employees an important job that is not in their forte. Due to lack of experience, the employee could not complete the job and caused some confusion. As a result, the workers feel boredom and quit immediately.

6. Outdated policy is also the reason employees leave the company

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The concerns of employees if not answered and handled promptly can also lead to unhappy psychological accumulation in workers. Enterprises should solve arising problems as quickly as possible. Another unstable point is that business policies are not updated regularly, so workers have to deal with and reprocess a problem, for example group working standards, the relationship between employees and the manager. , regulations on access to mass media during working hours or limited time to deal with a job. If the above criteria in the company policy are too outdated, workers will most likely seek another business to contribute.

7. Changing the company's core values ​​can be the cause of employees leaving

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Changing the core value of a business can cause negative impacts on employees. Workers may feel that their personal values ​​no longer match the new criteria set by the company or feel that these characteristics are not the same as what was the reason they chose. work there. Instead of trying to discuss how to improve the core value of the business, most workers will choose to leave.

Sometimes, changing the core value of the business is due to objective factors. Insurance for women has now become mandatory under federal regulations and private businesses have to struggle between those rapid changes. Therefore, many companies in the US refused to enforce the law and even filed a lawsuit because of the new policy.

Have you ever worked at a company that always thought you would have to leave this place? Are your comments heard and handled thoroughly by your superiors? What do you find most difficult to accept where you are working? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Refer to some more articles:

  1. 9 signs that it's time for you to "jump"
  2. Not a salary, this is just 8 reasons why good employees quit
  3. Being "promoted" but salaries and titles do not change, is the boss joking?

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