55 ways to save money effectively can not be ignored
There are now many interesting ways to save money and as soon as you start discovering ways to save money you will find that saving money is becoming easier. If you know how to spend wisely, you can save a decent amount of money each year. Saving money is not hard at all. Some people have saved and repaid their loans when they were students. Moreover, you can save money to reduce costs, pay debts and increase personal savings. Let's TipsMake.com reference 55 ways to save money effectively can not be ignored below!
See also: Financial management method "6 jars" JARS
Save money on food
55 ways to save money effectively can not be ignored Picture 1
1. Buying groceries in bulk can save you rather than buying one by one.
2. Cook food in bulk and let the refrigerator eat slowly. This can save money because you are less likely to waste material when cooking.
3. Cooking at home.
4. Find out which grocery store sells cheaper items.
5. If you go out to eat, use a coupon - a coupon in percentage (%) when you buy the product. When using Coupon, you will be able to purchase goods and services at a discounted or discounted price.
6. Go to the menu before going shopping.
Save money on insurance
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7. Find out if you qualify for any discounts.
8. Learn to know the best type of insurance.
9. If you are confident you can save money, raise your discount. You can raise from $ 500 to $ 1,000.
Save money on travel
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10. Know when to buy flight tickets, there will be days of cheaper tickets.
11. Do you really need all car insurance costs? Auto insurance usually includes many surcharges, such as towing fees, car rental, .
12. Determine how many cars you really need. Cutting down a car will also reduce the cost of travel significantly.
13. Know where to fill up. Finding a gas station near the garage does not need to take the road to reach the gas station.
14. Alternately change tires. This is cheap and can really improve your tire life.
15. Replace oil. You may not need to change the oil every 3,000 miles.
16. Clean the car. The extra weight will increase the fuel.
17. Buy a good air filter. Some filters have a lifetime warranty and can improve fuel consumption.
18. Know when to buy a car. There are good and bad times to buy a car so you need to consider it carefully.
19. Use public transport to save more money.
20. Cycling. If you already have a bicycle, other costs will be close to zero ( except for vehicle maintenance costs, of course) .
Personal cost savings
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21. Using generic drugs because of cheaper prices. Generic drugs are bioequivalent drugs with the original pharmacokinetics of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, produced when the brand's industrial property rights have expired, thus often sold at cheaper prices.
22. Buy drugs at retail stores.
23. Buy discount clothes. Clothing stores are almost always discounted.
24. Buy second hand stuff. There are many second hand stores selling the latest styles of clothing.
25. Keep clothes carefully purchased. Washing clothes improperly can cost you money because you have to buy something like that.
Save money on houses
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26. Keep the fireplace in good condition. Ask someone to check if you don't know how to use it.
27. Buy a new window if your window is no longer good. If you use an old window, you only have to leave the money because the cold air will flow into the house, affecting your health.
28. Buying a house according to your needs. Surely you won't need 8 bedrooms when your house is only two people, right?
29. Learn to get the best interest rate. 1% difference in interest rates can be a big difference in your monthly mortgage payments.
30. Before buying a home, find out about possible taxes. Many houses we are considering buying until we see taxes payable. Similarly another house costs the same price and only has to pay about $ 3,000 a year, but at the same price, it pays nearly $ 7,000 or $ 8,000 per year, you will definitely need to reconsider.
Save other miscellaneous items
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31. Track your monthly expenses. If you're not good at managing your money and always spending more than you make, you need to keep track of your expenses closely.
32. Make a budget to know exactly what your expenses are in each item. You may be surprised.
33. Great cottage. If saving $ 200 per month is too high for you, set a target of $ 50 per week. A little difference in mind can help a lot.
34. Don't spend money on interest payments. Remember to pay your bills.
35. Avoid ATM fees. Find ATM locations that can be used for free.
36. Check if you have any discount. If you belong to an organization, you can get additional discounts when purchasing products.
37. Saving coins. Throw all the coins into a jar and collect it every time it's full.
38. Before buying something, think about how long you have to work to really buy it. Is a $ 100 dress worth your working hours?
39. If you are a bad credit card user, leave your card at home and use cash only.
40. Rounding. Every time you spend $ 1.33, round up $ 2.00 and save the balance.
41. Before buying something, put it down and think about it while you buy other items on the list. If you still want to go back to it, maybe you should buy it.
Save when playing
55 ways to save money effectively can not be ignored Picture 7
42. Find a coupon before going out.
43. Learn about free festivals near where you live. Many cities and towns such festivals.
44. Traveling by bike.
45. Camping instead of staying at a hotel.
46. Use Netflix instead of cable TV.
47. Go to the library. You can borrow the latest books and movies at the library.
48. Find free tickets. In many events there is free ticket distribution.
49. Make a secret Santa Claus instead of exchanging gifts with friends. Buying a gift instead of 10 items can save you money more easily, right?
50. Dinner at a friend's house instead of going out to eat.
51. If you go out to eat and drink, drink during the promotion hours.
52. Watch amateur sports events instead of professionalism.
53. Go to the movies during the day instead of the evening.
54. Keep children in groups if you have children.
55. Buy monthly tickets, the initial cost can be high but you save more money.
Refer to some more articles:
- Experience saving money effectively when traveling
- 7 personal financial management tips to know before age 30
- 10 simple ways to earn extra income
Having fun!
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