Facebook allows employees 30 days of paid leave to look after sick relatives

Facebook has introduced a paid leave program, allowing employees to take up to a month off work to care for their loved ones before the outbreak of Covid-19.

A spokeswoman for Facebook said: ' We understand that the company may be in an area where the Covid -19 pandemic has not yet affected. And we want to support our employees so they can meet their needs during this time. As a result, we have adopted a number of initiatives for employees and their families . "

One of the initiatives is a paid urgent care leave program. The program provides 30 days of leave for employees who need to care for a sick relative or need to go to another country or place to look after their family members.

For short-term needs, Facebook also offers a paid leave program that allows employees 20 days leave for day care activities. In addition, Facebook also applies flexible working plans for employees, allowing them to use alternative working hours or work outside the office time without having to ask for a leave of absence.

Facebook allows employees 30 days of paid leave to look after sick relatives Picture 1Facebook allows employees 30 days of paid leave to look after sick relatives Picture 1

Facebook has many measures to support employees at the time of nCoV. Photo: Martyn Williams

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, Facebook has been one of the most proactive companies in providing benefits and support to employees.

The company has allowed the majority of its nearly 45,000 employees to work from home. In addition, Facebook also provides a $ 1,000 per employee allowance to help pay for their home and child care costs.

Facebook also provides video calling equipment for employees. In addition, the company said it will issue a list of Employee Performance Rankings in the first half of 2020 for those who have outstanding performance at work. Each employee participating in the ranking will receive an extra bonus than their full bonus for a period of 6 months.

According to Johns Hopkins University, worldwide there have been more than 367,400 cases of corona virus infection with at least 16,100 deaths. The United States has at least 41,500 cases, with at least 499 deaths.

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