Top 10 difficult courses when applying for a job
1. Please introduce yourself?
With this question, often employers want to know the ability to synthesize information. as well as skills in the candidate's CV. Sometimes the interviewer or one of the interviewers has not read the candidate's CV carefully.
Suggested Answer : A brief summary (3 minutes back) of the working history from the nearest company. Just say company name, time period and title. should not tell too much about experiences. If you are a fresh graduate, you can talk about your experiences in extracurricular activities / clubs, internships, .
Avoid : Tell too much about your experience or talk about your hometown in length. preferences, strengths / weaknesses. Remember, you only have 2-3 minutes for this question.
Top 10 difficult courses when applying for a job Picture 1
2. Your strengths and weaknesses in the interview question?
Again, this sentence wants to know what you really have confidence in yourself. as well as myself know whether or not I have shortcomings. Searching through the internet for a try, there are many excellent answer guide pages. But also quite mechanically, in fact I also met many of you who are prepared. research first and answer in books like: My weakness is greed on work. or embracing work, . employers do not appreciate preparation like that.
Strengths: Point out 2-3 strong points that are directly related to the job being applied for. This requires you to thoroughly understand the job description as well as the knowledge requirements. skills / experience, attitudes / behaviors… of the position I am interviewing.
Weakness: Say 1-2 weaknesses - the point that I really don't feel confident about. and it is important to show the employer how much you want / are trying to overcome that weakness to improve yourself.
3. What are your career goals and orientations?
This sentence, the employer wants to know if you are a person who knows how to set goals in accordance with your own capabilities. as well as having to really seriously think about your upcoming work direction . and is that orientation consistent with the desire / orientation of the job you are applying for.
Suggested answer : State short-term goals in 1-2 years, suitable with reality / ability. is relevant to the job being applied for and in particular needs a specific plan to achieve that goal. If you are a fresh graduate, learning experience is the goal that should be on top. Career goals and orientations must complement each other. and is directly related to the vacancy.
Part of the career orientation should show the employer that participating in applying for the job interview is an important step in his career path. (For example, I want to be a Recruiter in the future, so now I really want to be accepted as an internship in the recruitment department of your company. , Get the experiences,…)
Avoid : Stating distant monumental goals without a specific plan to achieve them. (Become Marketing Manager in 5 years for example). career orientation is not clear, the type of experience required, so the company accepts any position. Employers will not appreciate UVs who have not yet determined what they want to do during the interview. (How to orient a good career I will share in another topic).
4. What do you know about our company? Why do you choose our company?
To this question, the employer wants to know if you are serious about the company. Job recruitment as well as once again want you to evaluate your own suitability for this position.
Encouragement: Give a short answer about the history of the company. and listed some typical products / services of the company. Must learn carefully about the company, recruitment job. You can go to company websites, forums, ask friends, brothers and sisters. … And it is important that you take advantage of once again show the employer the knowledge. Your skills / experience match the requirements of the position. You can tell the employer that you like your field of activity. the company's products / services should want to contribute to development. (You must really like it).
Reassure your employer that the job you are applying for is an important step in your career development path.
Avoid : Usually, UV answers the reason why we choose the company because it is a big company with reputation and regime. good welfare policy. … Employers would not appreciate UV responding in this direction. It is a taboo to answer this question to turn the competitor's product / service into the product / service of the company you are applying for. or misstating the name of the company, the name of its product or service.
5. What do you know about the job you applied for in the interview question?
For this question, the employer wants to know if you have actively researched about the job application. Affirming once more to actively seek information about the nature of the work. products / services, customers, . of the company, the job recruitment is very important when going to the interview.
Suggested Answer : State the main points in the job description that the employer sent you. stating the product, service, size, and customers that they will serve in this job position. You can find this information in the MTCV version or look online. however, it is best to check with a Recruiter who is contacted to invite you to apply / interview. You can actively ask for contact information of TD Staff (Chat / Mobile phone) after finding out. If not clear, please contact to ask carefully before going to the interview. Limit email use in this case. Because email is often difficult to describe the nature of the work. and the mentality of the employer is also afraid to answer emails (because there are a lot of emails that have to respond, writing is often more elaborate than talking / chatting).
Remember to prepare a few more questions to learn in depth about the job before going to the interview.
Avoid : Going to an interview without learning anything about the job or the company. The company is hiring for a product / service position A but you said apply for a product / service B.
6. Why are you applying for this position?
This sentence is similar to question 5. The employer wants to know if you have a thorough understanding of your job and know whether your self-assessment is suitable for the position.
Suggested answer : It is possible to reiterate your own strengths that you evaluate as suitable with the recruitment requirements of the position you are applying for. Show employers this position as a step in your career development plan. Or you can share with the employer some of the factors that you like about the company: Scope of the company. reputation of the Board of Directors, . remember that you must really like and learn carefully.
Avoid : responding in a way because I'm looking for a job. And seeing that the company is recruiting, I apply or I really need a job to learn from the experience so I apply. Remember, even as a fresh graduate. But you also have the knowledge. I have certain skills to "sell" to the employer, so I only have the concept of JOB SEARCH, not the concept of JOB.
Some UVs often answer because the company is big, good mode. . should apply, this is absolutely not recommended.
7. Why did you quit your job at your old company?
With this question, the employer wants to know that the reason you do not continue the old job is because of the nature of the job. the environment is not suitable or due to some conflicts. . and then see if this can be repeated in the job you are applying for.
Suggested Answer : Be moderately honest and tactful. try to turn your answers in a direction that shows how you fit into your new job. and show the employer that you do not want to continue the same job. for being there no longer meeting your career goals.
Avoid answering: Absolutely do not defame the company, boss or former colleagues. Any individual or organization has its limitations. and if you find yourself no longer suitable. unable to adapt to the values there, to seek new opportunities.
8. What are your expectations when applying for this position?
Usually very little UV has a good preparation for this question. But employers are asking very often to assess your expectations of whether the job they are looking for has been met. And also through this question, employers will judge whether you really "know people know us".
Suggested answer : Be specific about 2-3 of your actual expectations revolving around the nature of the job you want to do. opportunity to apply knowledge. skills / experience currently in the job or can specify expectations for improvement in income. Just state your expectations, but also an opportunity to reaffirm the suitability. of your potential to contribute to the company if collaborated.
Avoid : respond in a way that you did not expect. Because this way the employer will judge you with no clear goals. If you state the expectations are too sublime. should consider your own abilities. Having career ambitions is good. But employers really do not like candidates who cut the wind or suffer from illusion of power.
9. What salary do you expect?
This is a very difficult question to answer because UV is often afraid of "pits". If you say too high, you will be afraid to lose the opportunity, but if you are too low, you will be afraid of "pit goods". So which level is appropriate?
Suggested answer : Specify the desired salary. and the lowest salary I can accept if I work in the interviewing position. to avoid wasting time on both sides in the next selection rounds. One thing is for sure, we know who we are. What are my abilities that I can contribute to the company. that is already "know me". So learn more to "know me" again by consulting before going to the interview. sister. friends have work experience. You are Human Resources, learn at forums to get basic information about wages in the labor market.
Avoid : answer in a general way as I think the company will have a suitable salary bracket for each position. The company assesses my ability so it will have a suitable salary for you. If you do not understand the nature. The scope of work can be asked for permission from the employer to ask for more information before answering. The most taboo is the intern's ability but expect the department head's earnings.
10. Do you have any questions for us?
This sentence is very important for the employer to once again evaluate the overall preparation. the candidate's concerns. The data answered in this question will be considered. compare very carefully with the previous answers in the interview.
Suggested answer : Ask more about work, the environment. colleagues, the superior of the position is interviewing. If there is any unknown place in the MTCV version, this is the best chance. Should ask the common difficulties and challenges of this position? What are your superior company expectations for this position? This position is often assessed through factors. What measure,….
Avoid asking questions about salary and benefits. Because usually the last part of the interview with the employer will "sell" you about the company's welfare policies.
Avoid : refrain from asking macro questions. strategic or sensitive (say your company is about to sell, for example) if you are just applying for a specialist position. Like I see opponent A doing this. The other is very good, do not know how our company's upcoming strategy? How could the company tell you ?! Remember to ask questions is a very important skill. Before asking, determine what information you want. What to do with that information and should anticipate the answer (Put yourself in the shoes of the person asked). Through UV questioning. The user can also appreciate a lot of sensitivity. ability to communicate, logical thinking of candidates.
The worst answer to this is I have nothing to ask. In short, interview results can affect up to 80% of recruitment results. Besides specialized knowledge, attitude. UV behavior and motivation are also factors that greatly affect hiring decision making. So when participating in the interview. in addition to mastering specialized knowledge. UV should proactively learn about the company and its work carefully. If there is a part that is not understood, it is advisable to prepare the necessary questions to discuss with the employer in order to help us have enough information to choose the right company, job.
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