If you intend to learn about SQL and databases , you should not ignore these 23 online resources. These websites will provide you with basic and advanced knowledge of SQL and databases.

  1. 13 important SQL statements Programmer needs to know

While waiting for Vietnamese documents about SQL from TipsMake.com, you plow this English SQL database. Make sure the plow is complete and the SQL is called up: D.

Sites about SQL and databases

  1. List of websites about SQL syntax and basic SQL concepts
    1. 1. Academy.vertabelo.com
    2. 2. W3schools.com - 'SQL Tutorial'
    3. 3. Codecademy - 'Learn SQL'
    4. 4. Khan Academy - 'Intro to SQL'
    5. 5. Sqlzoo.net
    6. 6. Tutorials Point - 'Learn SQL'
    7. 7. Udacity - 'Intro to Relational Databases'
    8. 8. Sql-tutorial.ru
    9. 9. Tuts + - 'SQL for Beginners'
    10. 10. Essentialsql.com
    11. 11. Learncodethehardway.org
    12. 12. Udemy - SQL Tutorials
    13. 13. Mysqltutorial.org
    14. 14. Sqlcourse.com
    15. 15. Databasejournal.com
    16. 16. Guru99.com
  2. List of websites that provide knowledge about databases
    1. 17. SQL for Web Nerds
    2. 18. Stanford Database Course
  3. List of SQL learning sites associated with entertainment
    1. 19. Schemaverse.com
    2. 20. GalaXQL 3.0
    3. 21. SQL references
  4. Online tool to practice and improve SQL skills
    1. 22. Sqlfiddle.com
    2. 23. Vertabelo.com

List of websites about SQL syntax and basic SQL concepts

1. Academy.vertabelo.com

Vertabelo Academy offers SQL courses, knowledge about SQL queries, data management and table creation.

To learn about SQL and databases, do not ignore these 23 online resources Picture 1

The 'SQL Basics' course starts with simple queries, GROUP BY queries and enhancements to subqueries. With this course you will learn about changes between Join commands like INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN and OUTER JOIN. And at the end of the course, there will be a comprehensive test of students' knowledge.

In the "Operating on Data in SQL" course, students will be taught about relational database such as inserting, updating and deleting information from databases.

With the "Creating Tables in SQL" course , you will learn how to manage the structure of a relational database to create tables and identify different elements such as primary keys, key UNIQUE and foreign keys. In addition, students will be taught how to use and define constraints, how to create views.

Each course has dozens of practice exercises with detailed explanations of the theory after each lesson and an interactive console table to verify the solution. After completing all the lessons, students can do a final test to test their knowledge.

You can start the course without registration but must register after completing the first exercises. Register with your email address or social network account (Facebook, Google+, Twitter or GitHub).

2. W3schools.com - 'SQL Tutorial'

W3Schools claims to be the largest web development website on the Internet. It provides many guides and references on web development languages ​​like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL and JQuery, covering most aspects of web programming.

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The online SQL Tutorial course of the website provides the most important syntax, commands, keywords and functions. Short but specific descriptions with many examples will make the lesson easier to understand and interesting.

A special feature is the ability to check online queries. At the beginning of the tutorial, there is a sample database so you can modify and restore its original content at any time. At the end of the tutorial there will be a simple question to test knowledge. Another great thing about this site is that you do not need to register before you study.

3. Codecademy - 'Learn SQL'

Codecademy is an online platform that provides a variety of free code writing courses for programming languages ​​such as HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python and Ruby. In addition to these courses, Codecademy students can learn how to manage data using SQL.

To learn about SQL and databases, do not ignore these 23 online resources Picture 3

Like all other courses at Codecademy, "Learn SQL" is free and interactive. It covers database basics such as tables, queries, Aggregate functions, builds advanced database queries and more.

The course consists of 4 lessons:

  1. Basic SQL commands to manipulate data are stored in a relational database.
  2. SQL statements are most commonly used to query a table in a database.
  3. Use SQL to perform calculations in a query.
  4. Query multiple tables using the Join command.

The user interface of each lesson is divided into three tables. The table on the left includes a description of the exercise with a brief theoretical introduction. The table in the middle has a line of SQL interaction commands for users to write SQL in the SQLite database. The right table provides a visual description of the database schema with query results.

After completing the lesson, you can test your knowledge with a test or improve your skills with a practical project to teach applying what you have learned into practice. However to perform a test or do projects you must register Codecademy Pro version. Join the course, you need to register using an email address or a Google or Facebook account.

4. Khan Academy - 'Intro to SQL'

Khan Academy provides users with micro-lessons in the form of videos on YouTube, lots of practice exercises and dashboard tables. These tools allow students to learn at their own pace inside and outside the classroom.

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Among the many Khan Academy courses offered, you can find a free SQL course called 'Intro to SQL: Querying and Managing Data'.

Each lesson consists of two elements. The left window is a video tutorial, while the right window displays real-time changes in the database structure and the query results are performed according to the SQLite database. These exercises have useful materials and suggestions. After finishing the first part of the course, students complete a more advanced project.

The entire course has 5 parts, starting with basic SQL rules, continuing with building more advanced SQL queries using operators like AND / OR, IN, LIKE, etc. . and commands Join. The last section called ' What to learn next ' provides useful tips and links.

Khan Academy allows users to watch videos without registration, however, after registering (via Facebook, Google or email) they can ask questions about videos and participate in discussions.

5. Sqlzoo .net

SQLZoo is an interactive, interactive SQL tutorial site developed and maintained by Edinburgh Napier University.

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The course provides interactive interpreters and exercises for a variety of databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server and DB2.

This website has three main parts: Instructions, reviews and references. Tutorials are a set of exercises to help you familiarize yourself with new topics. Start with SQL basics, then approach nested SELECT statements and Aggreate functions (like COUNT, SUM, or AVG), ending with advanced JOIN commands. At any time, you can refer to the Reference section on the appropriate theoretical foundation, explained by interactive examples.

After completing each tutorial, you can take a test to test your knowledge of the topic. The assessment provides a number of small projects, each of which consists of 15 questions with different levels of difficulty. Students study the course without registration, but you can create an account with email so that you can comment or contribute to the site.

6. Tutorials Point - 'Learn SQL'

Tutorials Point claims to be the largest tutorial library on the web. It offers dozens of online courses in computer engineering, information technology, programming languages ​​and management.

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If you want to know about SQL or database concepts, you'll find some tutorials here, including courses on SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, PL / SQL and other courses.

The 'Learn SQL' tutorials provide basic SQL knowledge, its most useful functions, and more advanced topics. There are many easy-to-understand examples, but no interactive exercises to practice what you have learned.

All courses are available at TutorialsPoint.com, including 'Learn SQL', accessible without registration. It's great that you can download the entire tutorial as a PDF file and use it at any time, even offline.

7. Udacity - 'Intro to Relational Databases'

Udacity offers interactive online courses to promote academic and career skills. Although Udacity is a site used for profit purposes, there are some free courses.

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One of the free courses is 'Intro to Relational Databases', which provides learners with basic knowledge of SQL and database design. Because the course uses examples and programming exercises in Python, you need to have basic knowledge of Python.

The course includes video lessons and each lesson has a final test. The lessons are divided into four parts:

  1. Relational database concept
  2. SQL query
  3. Python DB-API (access relational database from Python code)
  4. Advanced SQL (Join command, standardized)

The course ends with a project, focusing on building a Python database support module to run the game. No registration is required to preview the course, but if you want full access, you should sign up for an email account, Google or Facebook.

8. Sql-tutorial.ru

SQL Problems and Solutions is an interactive textbook that allows you to visualize tables and execute queries against a sample database. This tutorial will explain the basic concepts and structures of SQL and provide examples with different levels of expertise.

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Once familiar with SQL, you can apply your skills on the 'SQL Exercises' website . Here you can build and test SQL DML statements and have data modification exercises with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

With this website, learners can read the entire textbook without registration, but if you want to write your own queries in the interactive SQL console and implement them with the sample database, you need to post Sign with email address.

9. Tuts + - 'SQL for Beginners'

Tuts + provides courses on video and written instruction that teaches many creative and technical skills including writing code. Unlike video courses, all tutorials and articles are free. Based on specific projects, they will include step-by-step written instructions and screen shots to help you practice and improve your skills.

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Among more than 20,000 free tutorials, there are quite a few good lessons to teach SQL. Exactly this is an article rather than a tutorial. It consists of two parts: 'SQL for Beginners' and 'SQL for Beginners Part 2'. The first article provides knowledge of basic SQL queries with multiple screenshots. In the second lesson, users will learn about indexes, data types and some more complex query structures. Both articles are available without registration.

10. Essentialsql.com

Kris Wenzel's Essential SQL is a great place to learn the fundamentals of SQL and database concepts. The course is based on Microsoft SQL Server, which is why the author provides new users with a tutorial on how to use this database tool.

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This tutorial provides free tools, instructions for setting up, explains step by step on how to download and activate a sample database. With this course, learners will learn how to create simple select and query queries, SQL Server built-in functions, and learn how to standardize databases. materials and more.

One great thing about Essential SQL is that Kris will participate in the teaching process. When there are problems or questions, students can contact him directly. However, this course also has limitations that lack a structured learning program. This is a collection of articles on many SQL-related topics rather than step-by-step tutorials.

Most articles are available without registration, however, some content requires users to register with an email account.

11. Learncodethehardway.org

The essence of this course is described perfectly by the following review: "This book will teach you 80% of the SQL knowledge needed to effectively use and incorporate concepts in data modeling ( data modeling) at the same time. "

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Yes, this tutorial looks like a story in which each chapter has some theoretical content, related questions and exercises. You can learn the basics of creating and manipulating tables, familiarize yourself with data conversion.

To keep the 'book' simple, the site uses SQLite3 to teach you how to design data and work with it. The entire content of the website is available without registration.

12. Udemy - SQL Tutorials

Udemy is a leading global platform where professionals create courses and provide publicity, free or with a tuition fee.

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Udemy provides many SQL database and video courses designed for specific databases, including MySQL, Oracle and MS SQL Server. There are several free SQL courses for both beginners and advanced users.

Here are some free courses:

  1. Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying
  2. MySQL Database For Beginners
  3. SQL Server For Beginners
  4. HANDS-ON SQL For Beginners (SELECT, FROM, & WHERE)
  5. Sachin quickly learns SQL

To begin studying, you must register with an email address.

13. Mysqltutorial.org

This website provides users with a set of instructions for managing MySQL databases and manipulating data. With different techniques such as SQL queries, MySQL stored procedures, database views, triggers, etc., the guide will provide a way to 'deal with' tasks. popular in MySQL.

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Basic MySQL tutorial helps you familiarize yourself with basic principles, including database management, table creation, querying and data modification using MySQL commands and other structures.

In the MySQL Tips section, users are provided with advanced techniques and tips to help solve the most difficult problems in MySQL effectively.

All instructions are available without registration.

14. Sqlcourse.com

SQLCourse provides easy-to-understand SQL instructions and allows you to practice what you learn with an online interpreter. With these tools, you can create separate tables and make selections, insert, update and delete.

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When completing the basic course, you can continue to develop SQL skills with SQLCourse2.com. This course provides important advanced features of SELECT statements.

The resources of both websites, SQLCourse and SQLCourse2 are available without registration, however, you should register by email to get free access to premium content.

15. Databasejournal.com

This site is related to SQLCourse and SQLCourse2. Although it seems outdated, Database Journal is a comprehensive source of knowledge. There are many articles on databases, articles and tutorials related to MS SQL, Oracle, DB2, MS Access and MySQL database management systems.

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You do not have to register to use this site, but can register by email to get access to other paid content.

16. Guru99.com

Guru99 has a lot of tutorials on many topics. Some tutorials are posts, some tutorials are videos.

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About SQL, the Guru99 website offers a 'SQL Tutorial for Beginners Learn in 7 Days' course, which teaches SQL from the basics such as the principles of SQL language, to more advanced techniques such as table joins and settings. algorithms and child queries. It is not an interactive course (because there is no SQL Console table), but an interesting resource to learn SQL.

This SQL tutorial is based on MySQL database server. On the main page of the tutorial, you will find the table of contents. The topics in the respective sections are explained clearly and accurately. In addition to written instructions, the site offers fun diagrams and images that explain this dry programming language to be more interesting and understandable.

In each section, you will also find query syntax and examples. The endings include a short summary and a short SQL test to test the knowledge learned. All Guru99's instructions are free and don't even require registration.

List of websites that provide knowledge about databases

17. SQL for Web Nerds

"SQL for Web Nerds" is a free online book written and distributed by Professor Philip Greenspun of MIT.

To learn about SQL and databases, do not ignore these 23 online resources Picture 17

"SQL for Web Nerds" teaches systems to manage relational databases from the perspective of a web application developer, not from theory. It includes basic database concepts such as ACID and how RDBMS works; provides examples of simple and complex queries, transactions, triggers, views and resolves issues like Java within an Oracle server, handling foreign data, successive data redundant and standardized. Note, the SQL examples given in the book are for Oracle databases.

All of these tutorials have examples and illustrations, enriching the tutorial. No registration is required to use content on this site.

18. Stanford Database Course

This course includes database design and use of database management systems for applications. This is where you can find self-paced courses or a 'Introduction to Databases' course containing all mini courses and a non-SQL review.

To learn about SQL and databases, do not ignore these 23 online resources Picture 18

Courses taught by Professor Jennifer Widom, co-authored of four textbooks on database systems from basic to advanced.

In short, these courses include: introduction to relational databases, Querying Relational Databases and XML Database, database design and advanced SQL features.

Stanford Database Course has four main elements: Courseware, Readings, Discussion Forum and Wiki. The main documents are found in the Courseware section: surveys, video lectures, questions and exercises. Additional readings are suggested and other suggestions are found in the Readings section.

If you want to enroll in the course, you must register an account in the Stanford online learning system.

List of SQL learning sites associated with entertainment

19. Schemaverse.com

Who said that the learning process must be completely based on instructions? It can also be fun. So if you are interested in computer games and want to learn SQL, this site is definitely for you.

To learn about SQL and databases, do not ignore these 23 online resources Picture 19

Schemaverse is a space strategy game implemented entirely in PostgreSQL database. Players start on their planets, where new spacecraft can be built and mine resources can be used to create or upgrade spacecraft. After completing the fleet, they can expand throughout the universe and conquer planets belonging to other players. To command the fleet and compete with others, gamers must use raw SQL statements.

This game is not just for beginners but for those who already have experience will like Schemaverse. How gamers will not only master basic SQL but also be familiar with PL / pgSQL. To participate in the game, you must register with the email.

20. GalaXQL 3.0

Ready for another interesting approach to learning? This is a galaxy application where you can run queries against the database model of galaxies created in SQLite. Course to provide a virtual teacher, Professor Alfred T. Guru, who introduced you to the basic SQL syntax.

To learn about SQL and databases, do not ignore these 23 online resources Picture 20

The course starts with an explanation of the SELECT statement, then through the transaction and ends with the index. Each chapter, along with a detailed explanation, has an exercise that applies theory to practice. Basically, this exercise is based on writing an SQL query in the editor below the galaxy map. After completing the task, the player will receive the query result or if an error occurs, it will receive an error message that will help you in troubleshooting.

In addition to online courses, there are also desktop versions like Windows, OS X and Linux. Instructions are available without registration.

21. Documents for reviewing SQL

The links below are online documents for some databases.

Although SQL statements often do not differ greatly between SQL dialect when writing simple queries, it is important to understand the documentation for dialect SQL and use it frequently. Here are references:

  1. MySQL documentation
  2. PostgreSQL documentation
  3. DB2 SQL reference
  4. Oracle Database SQL reference
  5. SQLite - SQL Syntax

Online tool to practice and improve SQL skills

22. Sqlfiddle.com

To learn about SQL and databases, do not ignore these 23 online resources Picture 21

SQLfiddle is the perfect tool for checking queries, comparing and contrasting SQL statements in different back-end databases or when there is no specific database available and wanted. Seeing a query will look like that in that environment.

23. Vertabelo.com

To learn about SQL and databases, do not ignore these 23 online resources Picture 22

Vertabelo allows you to design database structures for the most popular database tools, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, SQlite and IBM DB2. Here, you practice what you have learned about database model concepts.

Vertabelo checks the model before creating the SQL script and reports an error or warning. You can run the script in a specific database or in SQLfiddle.

Note that Vertabelo provides a free account for students and faculty teaching database design. To register for an account, you must provide a learning email address, ie the address with the domain of the educational institution.

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