This is the 6 reasons why your company still can't recruit talented people

The problem is not because of 'talent like autumn leaves' but due to poor preparation in recruitment.

One of the most headache issues of the HR department is how to "hunt" talented people for the organization, especially senior positions such as CEO, manager, manager . Public This is easy but it is difficult when the labor market is over supply.

Recruiting new employees means that the company will also face a lot of risks, especially potential "losses" when "new people" are unable to do the job despite the lengthy training process or half good and suddenly "leave" without notice. As a result, recruiting staff members has recruited high-level management positions which are even more urgent.

  1. Recruitment of "Z generation": 7 things that managers need to know

A recruitment is considered an initial success when the candidates meet the requirements of expertise, skills and in accordance with the culture of the organization. However, the irony is that the HR professionals search forever but still do not see anyone "bright".

This is the 6 reasons why your company still can't recruit talented people Picture 1This is the 6 reasons why your company still can't recruit talented people Picture 1

Is it because of "talent like autumn leaves" or the problem lies in recruitment? Here are 6 mistakes that any HR staff needs to know.

1. Do not know the recruitment target

Whether or not an applicant meets the requirements of a position, personnel must identify and clarify those requirements. What skills are needed? What degree? How many years of experience is required for skills corresponding to that position?

It is easy to see that many companies post recruitment content with sketchy information, general skills that make job applicants easy to misunderstand, do not describe the work, tasks, experience requirements, lack of contact people. system, phone number, website, company address; Even, some information is quite vague, making it difficult for candidates to believe.

"It is extremely important to specify job requirements and personal qualities. This can be considered a" standard table "that you can use to compare and review your application and service for the interview. In order to assess the suitability of potential candidates, " Burton Goldfield - President and CEO of TriNet shared in an article published in Entrepreneur Magazine.

Create a list of job-related job responsibilities corresponding to each relevant task group, requires knowledge, experience, special ability to complete tasks according to your expectations, co Time to specify cases of non-approval. Once the employment goal is clarified, "Headhunter" will be easier to "localize" the scope of finding talent for the organization.

2. Recruit family members and friends

When not recruiting new people, many personnel staff tend to help friends introduce acquaintances or "nominate" family members to work at the organization. Is this the ideal solution?

It is easy to see that many HR professionals tend to "plug in" family members or acquaintances to work at the company and based on a rather poor understanding to confirm that it is Perfect candidates for vacant positions.

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According to Heidi Ganahl , CEO and co-founder of Camp Bow Wow - the dog care center chain, "I have also hired one of my best friends and it is disappointing that she used a credit card. of the company to spend, and withdraw money from my bank account without warning, this experience taught me a life-long lesson that hiring someone just because you have a relationship with them is I have lost my best friend, lost money and lost time ".

3. Believe in the first impressions

Not all employers are experts and not all candidates are people who always come to the interview with the thought that "wish, I will receive" . They want you to "crave" them to join their company's staff.

According to Ted Karkus - CEO of Prophase Labs - the company that specializes in Cold-EEZE lozenges, many employers often work with sentiment. They only evaluate candidates based on their feelings: like or dislike but not on each person's strengths and demand the responsibility of that position.

While you cannot be sure that the candidate has completed the task when he has been employed on the job, you can also minimize the risk by not taking the first impression as a prerequisite to making decisions intend to recruit.

"A smart handshake and clever use of eye gestures can be a good signal. However, do not use the interview as a way to make a good or bad judgment about a person. If Be impressed with the candidate at first sight, find the reasons why they are not suitable for the position, on the contrary, if there is no sympathy, find out why they can become candidates. The potential tablet you are looking for ", follow   Jason Berkowitz - Deputy director of customer care department at the outsourced company about recruitment service Seven Step RPO.

4. Set the question wrong in the interview

Most recruiting staff understand that detailed questions about age, ethnicity, religion and other personal topics should not appear in the interview but some questions seem to have no effect. More likely to "spark" for trouble.

"There are a lot of sharp questions that can cause problems" and if they suddenly "touch" those personal content, no talented person is willing to work at your company.

5. Do not check the candidate carefully before recruiting

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Candidates can get a very impressive CV but you confirm how much they are suitable for the organization? Therefore, it is very important to thoroughly investigate the records as well as to call the contact to check the authenticity of the information.

6. There is no clear recruitment policy

One of the most serious mistakes companies often make is not to build a clear recruitment policy before posting information on websites. This will lead to confusion for both human resources when "hunting" talents and job applicants, especially problems with wages, responsibilities, and job requirements when your information is publicly contradictory. with what you announced when they were successful.

Companies need to develop a new employee handbook with clear recruitment policies. This will be a "protective shield" to help you avoid future conflicts.

A mistake in recruiting or extending the time of searching for personnel is a great risk of time, money, customers and reputation of the business. Therefore, invest accordingly for this division to make sure everything is operated stably and can recruit talented people as soon as possible.

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