Without the summer, humans did not appear, the Giza pyramid was not built and there was no war of scale like today.
In the face of the hot summer sun in the past few days, many people couldn't help but be indignant and wish that in this world, it wouldn't be good to have summer.
- Distinguish hot sun concepts
- What makes the seasons of the year?
But in fact, summer is one of the factors that make up the history of people, of no small importance in the process of changing the world in really different ways.
Without the summer, humans did not appear, the Giza pyramid was not built and there was no war of scale like today. Picture 1
1. Life originates in the summer
4.5 billion years ago, the Earth's axis formed a straight line perpendicular to the orbit around the Sun, the equatorial area that directly directed all the heat from the Sun caused the temperature of the Earth's surface to reach 400 degree C and of course there is no life.
At that time, tens of thousands of meteors rushed down to Earth. Among them is a giant-sized celestial body that plunges into the Earth and causes the most powerful collision in history that has caused our planet to split, forming the Moon.
Without the summer, humans did not appear, the Giza pyramid was not built and there was no war of scale like today. Picture 2
After this historic event, the Earth's axis also tilted by 23.5 degrees, so that the sunlight is more evenly distributed, helping the Earth's climate become more moderate with four distinct seasons of the year, life. start forming and developing.
In particular, summer is the time when life grows the most, so maybe summer is the reason that makes us and all other animals appear to create an extremely diverse ecosystem.
2. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built by the ancient Egyptians in the summer
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the first pyramid of Egypt and one of the wonders of the world. Giza was built from about 6 million tons of granite, not including millions of other ordinary stones around 2500 BC.
Without the summer, humans did not appear, the Giza pyramid was not built and there was no war of scale like today. Picture 3
The ancient Egyptians did a miraculous task, transporting a huge amount of stone taken from a mountain, nearly 13 km from the construction site. Ancient Egyptian engineers relied on the typical weather of the summer to perform such impossible work.
Summer is a hurricane season, in the Indian Ocean storms will blow to the West and create rain. This amount of rainwater when coming to Egypt will have to pour into the Nile River and cause flooding often in June every year.
For Egyptians flooding is not a disaster, but a gift from nature because it brings silt to make soil more fertile.
Without the summer, humans did not appear, the Giza pyramid was not built and there was no war of scale like today. Picture 4
When the fields were submerged in the sea, the Egyptians were also less busy to concentrate their resources on the construction of the pyramid. But what is important is that the flood caused the river water from the quarry area to rise, spilling towards the pyramid construction area. The Egyptians forced stone into the bottom of the raft, using flash flooding to propel the drifting downstream.
Thanks to that, the Egyptians could transfer 3,000 stones weighing tens of tons every day, shortening the time to build the Great Pyramid to about 20 years.
3. Summer is the season of war
In the Stone Age, to survive people almost spend all their time to feed. Human wars at that time were extremely small because fighting did not work, which was synonymous with self-destruction.
Without the summer, humans did not appear, the Giza pyramid was not built and there was no war of scale like today. Picture 5
Until people know how to cultivate, life becomes more comfortable, society also develops, and people also proliferate more.
At that time, the wars occurred primarily in the summer regardless of the reason. Because soldiers were mainly farmers at that time, spring was a growing season, autumn was harvest time, winter was cold, so it was only summer to . fight only.
Later, war became more and more large with more modern soldiers, tactics, and weapons.
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