What is the loudest sound on Earth? What makes the loudest sound on Earth?
To find out what makes the loudest sounds on Earth, we first look at some familiar sounds in everyday life.
First breath is about 10 decibels, light rain is 40 decibels, vacuum cleaner is 70 decibels, blender is decibels from blender. The sound comes from a 140 decibel pistol, a 180 decibel rocket launch.
When the sound reaches the 150 decibels range, it is powerful enough to perforate the eardrum. And at 194 decibels, the sound wave will become a shock wave of tremendous power that can destroy nearby buildings.
But that is nothing compared to the volcanic eruption on August 27, 1883 at the island of Krakatoa between the two islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia, creating the largest sound on Earth in history. This sound can be heard clearly at a distance of nearly 5,000 km.
What is the loudest sound on Earth? What makes the loudest sound on Earth? Picture 1
This record volcanic eruption caused hot debris to shoot out at a speed of up to 2,575 km / h, smoke rising up to nearly 80 km in the air. Its ash fell into the sea 20 km away.
The seismic waves from the eruption caused a tsunami over 45m high and weighing up to 600 tons.
According to The Independent, the explosion produced 10,000 times more destructive power than a hydrogen bomb. And according to Bhatia, the noise generated by it has been recorded at 172 decibels at a distance of more than 160 km. This terrifying volcanic eruption claimed the lives of 40,000 people, devastated 165 villages and settlements.
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