The spices are effective in making medicine in Tet trays

The spice vegetables such as onions, garlic, ginger, basil, celery, ... not only help the meal more delicious, attractive but also have the effect of improving the body's resistance and healing.

The spice vegetables such as onions, garlic, ginger, basil, celery, . not only help the meal more delicious, attractive but also have the effect of improving the body's resistance and healing.

Let's find out some spices and their therapeutic effects to have a reasonable use in daily meals as well as during this Lunar New Year.


Ginger is a popular spice in many Vietnamese dishes such as ginger roasted chicken, ginger braised beef, . Ginger is spicy, hot, helps warm the body and has many good uses for health. strong like:

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  1. Antibacterial and prevent oxidation.
  2. Reduce nausea when pregnant or motion sickness.
  3. Pain relief in mild form for muscle aches, arthritis, and migraine.
  4. Supporting gastrointestinal activity, promoting digestive fluids, neutralizing acid as well as reducing intestinal spasms.
  5. Improve blood circulation, help the body absorb nutrients more easily.


The spices are effective in making medicine in Tet trays Picture 2The spices are effective in making medicine in Tet trays Picture 2

Garlic is spice used daily in every family meal. Besides adding flavor to dishes, garlic also has the following uses:

  1. Reducing the risk of heart disease by up to 76%.
  2. Reduce cholesterol levels and act as antioxidants.
  3. Increases the body's resistance.
  4. Prevent the risk of cancer especially colon cancer.


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This spice vegetable is present in most Vietnamese dishes from stir-fry, cooked, distilled, to salads, salads, etc. According to the experience, the onion leaves have a lot of effects on health.

  1. Scallions contain vitamin K and vitamin C necessary for strong bone growth and maintenance.
  2. Regulating blood sugar levels.
  3. Protect and help heart health.
  4. Anti-inflammatory, helps enhance immunity.
  5. Enhance vision because the green onion stem contains a lot of vitamin A.
  6. Helps to eliminate poison through sweat glands, good for respiratory, cough, sore throat.
  7. Reducing blood sugar, lowering insulin levels thereby helping to prevent diabetes.


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Onions are often used in stir fry, nem, mannequin, . Onions are useful:

  1. Strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial because of the active ingredient in onion.
  2. Reduce blood cholesterol, stabilize blood pressure, prevent myocardial ischemia.
  3. Good for people with arthritis and gout.
  4. Beneficial for the intestinal tract, reducing the risk of developing tumors in the colon.


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Celery contains many essential vitamins and minerals for the body.

  1. Helps lower blood sugar, prevents sclerosis, protects pancreas, stimulates digestion, antibacterial.
  2. Slimming, cooling.
  3. Cure rheumatism and gout.
  4. Diuretic, cholestatic, stimulating the adrenal glands, preventing kidney stones from forming.
  5. Use outside to soak the feet, treat chapped and clean.
  6. Use celery vegetable juice daily to rinse mouth ulcers, khan voice, sore throat.


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Perilla vegetables are often used to make spices in dishes such as snails, crabs, fish, . Spicy perilla, warmness has uses:

  1. Perilla leaves treat colds, fever, cough, sweating and stimulate digestion.
  2. Perilla branches have the effect of being pregnant.
  3. Fresh perilla leaves support digestion, reduce abdominal pain, cure fish poisoning.

Laksa leaves

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Lettuce is popularly used in dishes such as duck eggs, mussel soup, salted sauerkraut, . Lettuce is also a medicine for treating diseases:

  1. Cure abdominal pain, flatulence, heatstroke, thirst, vomiting.
  2. Fresh lettuce juice can solve snake venom, bloating, poor digestion. External use may cure scabies, blackouts, and limb numbness.


The spices are effective in making medicine in Tet trays Picture 8The spices are effective in making medicine in Tet trays Picture 8

This spice vegetable has a taste similar to licorice that is often used for fish, squid, .

Cumin contains monoterpenes essential oil to increase intestinal motility, anti-flatulence, good for digestion, avoid food poisoning, secretion of bile pigments and digestive juices.

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