Wallpaper beautiful maple leaves, autumn maple leaves for computers, laptops
Red maple, also known as bright red maple, soft maple . is often planted to make ornamental trees on the street. Red maple grows best in well drained conditions and can grow in wet, dry conditions.
Maple leaves have 3 lobes with characteristic small serrated teeth, the gap between shallow lobes and sharp edges. Green maple leaves in some areas are typically pale green on the upper surface and are white below the leaves.
Maple leaves often fall in the winter, before defoliation is usually orange or red. The red color of maple leaves, in addition to decorating the streets, is also an attractive wallpaper theme for computers and phones. You can refer to and download the autumn maple leaf wallpaper with many different resolutions below.
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Wallpaper red maple leaves, beautiful maple leaves for computers and laptops

Above is the wallpaper of autumn maple leaves, red maple leaves with many resolutions for you to download to your computer and laptop. The above set of wallpapers has been resized by TipsMake.com for your reference. If you want to download the default maple leaf wallpaper, you can download it by following the link below.
Link download maple leaf wallpaper set with default resolution for your computer
You also know that on your computer you can have two different wallpapers for your desktop and lock screen. In addition to being able to create slides that automatically change the wallpaper for your desktop, you can set to automatically change your desktop wallpaper with a lock screen. Refer to how in the article How to change the lock screen wallpaper with the desktop automatically.
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