The list of the 10 most famous hackers in the world

This is a list of the 11 most famous hackers in the world. These are the people who have infiltrated the computer systems of the world's leading telecommunications technology companies, commercial websites and universities.

Have you ever been curious about the most reputable hackers in the world? How did they create hacking incidents that are so popular? Today, we will learn about that. Of course, these are just the hackers we know, know the name, and many hackers in other darkness that we only know about the name Anonymous, do not know specifically who they are, where they are, they include those who and how it works.

In addition to white hat hackers and black hat hackers, what other colors are available to hackers? Is there any genuine work for them?

This is a list of the 11 most famous hackers in the world. These are the people who have infiltrated the computer systems of the world's leading telecommunications technology companies, commercial websites and universities.

The 11 most famous hackers in the world

  1. 1. Hacker Kevin Poulson
  2. 2. Adrian Lamo hacker
  3. 3. Hacker Stephen Wozniak
  4. 4. Hacker Loyd Blankenship
  5. 5. Hacker Michael Calce
  6. 6. Hacker Robert Tappan Morris
  7. 7. Hacker Masters Of Deception
  8. 8. Hacker David L.Smith
  9. 9. Hacker Sven Jaschan
  10. 10. Jonathan James
  11. 11. Hacker Kevin Mitnick

1. Hacker Kevin Poulson

Poulson first became notorious for being a hacker when he attacked Los Angeles radio station KIIS-FM to become the 102nd caller, to take the Porsche in a competition organized by the station. function. Under the alias Dark Dante, Poulson became famous in the 1980s for attacks on various networks for money laundering, email fraud, computers and hindering justice. Poulson has been chased since attacking a federal database. Poulson was arrested in 1994 with seven charges and sentenced to 51 months in jail and $ 56,000 in fines. Leaving prison, Poulson tried again in the role of a journalist.

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2. Adrian Lamo hacker

Adrian Lamo is nicknamed ' homeless hacker' because he likes to use coffee shops and libraries as a place to conduct hacks. After breaking into computer networks, Lamo reported to the company that owned them about the vulnerability that allowed him to break into it. Lamo broke into the New York Times intranet and added his name to their list of experts. Lamo also used LexisNexis's account to access confidential documents of wealthy subjects. Lamo is currently working as a journalist.

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3. Hacker Stephen Wozniak

Famous as co-founder of Apple, but Stephen Wozniak began his career as a ' white hat ' hacker. Ever since he was a student at the University of California, he made his friends 'blue boxes' that allowed them to make free long distance calls. Wozniak was accused of using such a device to call the Pope. Later, he dropped out of school and began working on the idea of ​​creating a computer mouse. He founded Apple Computer with a friend, Steve Jacob and they made history.

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4. Hacker Loyd Blankenship

Loyd Blankenship is also known as ' mentor '. Blankenship is a member of the elite Elite hacker groups and the Legion of Dom. He is also the author of the "hacker manifesto" he wrote after his arrest in 1986. It is still thought to be a book about the moral precepts and philosophies of hackers until today.

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5. Hacker Michael Calce

Calce has been famous since 15 when he broke into some of the largest commercial websites in the world. Valentine in 2000, Calce used the alias MafiaBoy, causing network congestion of 75 computers in 52 networks and affecting both eBay, Amazon and Yahoo. Calce was arrested after showing off his hacking skills on an online chatroom.

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6. Hacker Robert Tappan Morris

In May 1988, a computer virus, which was later traced back to Cornell University, infected about 6,000 computers and caused millions of dollars in damage. According to Morris, the ' Morris worm ' was written to measure the size of the Internet, not to damage it. However, he still had to take responsibility for his mistakes with 3 years of probation, 4,000 hours of social labor and fines. A disc containing the souce code of the 'Morris worm' is still on display at the Boston Science Museum.

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7. Hacker Masters Of Deception

Masters Of Deception (MOD) was established based on the New York group and Legion Of Doom (LoD), known since the attack broke the AT & T. computer system. 1992 with sentence from jail to suspended sentence.

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8. Hacker David L.Smith

Smith is the author of the infamous Melissa virus and was the first to successfully distribute virus bugs via email. Smith was later sentenced to five years in prison for causing more than $ 80 million in damages.

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9. Hacker Sven Jaschan

Jaschan was convicted of spreading Netsky and Sasser worms in 2004 at the age of 19. Viruses have caused 70% of software to be spread over the internet at that time. Jaschan was sentenced to 3 years' probation, now working for a security company.

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10. Jonathan James

The story of Jonathan James, the alias "c0mrade", is a tragedy. Jonathan James started hacking when he was very young, because he hacked into some commercial and government networks that he had been jailed for - all of this happened when he was still a minor.

What did Jonathan James do? James attacked NASA's network and downloaded enough source code - assets equivalent to $ 1.7 million - to learn how the International Space Station works. NASA had to shut down its network for three weeks to investigate the hack, at an additional cost of $ 41,000.

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Source: Slideshare

Where is Jonathan James now? In 2007, several high-end companies became victims of many malicious network attacks. Although James denies any interference, he is still suspected and investigated. In 2008, James committed suicide, believing he would be charged with crimes he did not commit.

11. Hacker Kevin Mitnick

Kevin Mitnick is the most famous hacker in the world, it can be said that he has become a legend in hacker circles. The US Department of Justice has called him the "computer crime they want to capture most in US history" - that's how he is famous. Kevin Mitnick's story is so fascinating that it is also an inspiration for a famous movie: Track Down.

What did Kevin Mitnick do? In his teens, he made free calls on his hacked phone, taking secret codes from companies like Sun Microsystems and Novell. After being imprisoned for 1 year for hacking into Digital Equipment Corporation's network, he was released and subjected to 3 years of probation. But near the end of that period, he fled and conducted a hack for 2.5 years into the US Defense Warning System and stole the organization's secret. According to The Times, he even admitted, hacked into NSA phone calls.

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Where is Kevin Mitnick now? Mitnick was eventually arrested and sentenced to 5 years in prison. After completing his prison, he became a computer security consultant and speaker. He is currently running security consulting firm Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC.

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The above are hackers who have heard the name of a time in the world. Do we know who we left behind?

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